I don’t fear nuclear war because the world has already been saturated in nuclear fall out by the Western Nuclear powers and their client states of Israel, Pakistan, India, South Africa (under White settler rule) and Japan. Plus Russia and the former Soviet Bloc nations have done their part in this mess. These muthafuckas have contaminated the globe with radioactive waste and nuclear contamination, the media just don’t touch the...
Williams also said, that conclusion was the result of the intense study of history, it was the product of a sober analysis, it is a documented and indisputable fact.Whites have relentlessly attacked Africa and Africans since we’ve encountered each other and there no sign of relenting on their part.So, I don’t “believe” it, I’ve lived it, I know it, I have family members who are causalities of the war Whites have waged against us. I...
There is no soul in the Religious Context; which asserts that the soul is some kinda non-physical aspect of the self, with all the mental, psychological, and even physical elements of the physical self; some Casper the Ghost type shit. That’s some bullshit.Religion even asserts that the Soul can feel pain; and that God will allow your soul to burn for all eternity if you fail to follow Gods laws, or accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and...
The two things are inversely proportional Anonymous. The more Black billionaires we have the less resources and interest we have in Revolution. Look at all the Black multimillionaires and billionaires that emerged in post-colonial Africa; the richer those Negros got the more they saw their interested being tied to the Global White Elites and not to the masses of African people.Look at all the Black multimillionaire here in the US, the more we...
I spoke with a man who still lives in West Africa. He claims the Africans were so impressed with the whites. They traded other villagers captured in raids for mirrors and such. They sent their princes to the great land of the white man to be educated and returned home to improve life in their home villages. This man said they confronted whites when the royal children never returned. The whites did What they do. They came back and took...
I used to call JWs, Jehovah’s Idiots, and one scholars called them Jehovah’s Wickedness.JW is nothing more than a cultist Christian sect invented by some random White male nut. Just like Mormonism, the Branch Davidians, the Anglicans, the Calvinist, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.White men (and egocentric, delusional men of other Races, to be fair) are always inventing “one true religions,” all the damn time, they emerge from the...
To extinction if we fail to dismantle the Systems and Institutions of Global White Domination and Capitalism. That’s all that matters; Dismantling the Systems and Institutions of Global White Domination and Capitalism, nothing else matters at this point.