Bro I just want to thank u for what u do. I read your blog every day and it gives me more strength than you know. On this platform u simultaneously drop knowledge and analyze subjects from all sociohistorical strata while dispatching crude and malicious ofays with ease and poise. shit man i did the whole academia industrial complex thing @ a university routinely ranked between 15th and 25th best on the planet and none of my god damn professors had shit on u. So seriously, thank u.

I thank you as well. 

Brother Diallo, are Arabs white? I’ve gotten into discussions about this on the net, and people give varying answers. Another thing I want to ask is, are Arabs part of the western world? There was and some say still exist the Arab slave trade as brutal and perhaps more so than euro chattel slavery, their prophet Muhammad invented a male chauvinist murder cult, as the honorable teacher R.I.P. John Henrik Clarke called the world’s popular religions, and they were and still are hyper-aggressive.

Dr. Bobby E. Wright stated; “to see Arabs as anything other than White invaders is a pathological denial of history;“ and I agree with them.  As far as Africa and Africans are concerned, Arabs are White.Arabs are part of the Western world, their behaviors and worldview are distinctly Western.  Turkey, a predominantly Islamic nation is a part of Europe. The Arab oligarchs are close allies to the European oligarchs, the Ottoman Empire ...

Do (unconscious) New Negroes especially in western nations suffer under ” Mentacide ” ?

Yes, all New Negros are afflicted with Mentacide, but not all people with Mentacide are New Negros.Mentacide is a state in which a person is anti-intellectual, anti-analytical, and ahistorical.  There are many “pro-Black” individuals who suffer from Mentacide, that’s why they invent all this Afrocentric Nonsense, Black Puritanism, and other non-viable shit.  A Black person with Mentacide can adhere to almost any ideology or outlook, but...
f I met God I’d judge his ass, then I’d join all the other intelligent and principled people in Hell. Diallo Kenyatta

Will atrocities against the black race increase dramatically the closer we reach our goal in Pan African Liberation ?

That all depends on how we organize and advance the Struggle. If we erect defensive and offensive structures and protocols as we advance towards Liberation, and we also work to dismantle our Oppressor’s ability to wage war or commit atrocity we will see a marked reduction in White Aggression the closer we move to Liberation.If we put all our efforts into economic, political, and cultural Liberation and fail to build ourselves up militarily; if...

When you always mentioned that our struggle is multigenerational do you mean that as long as the white race exist there will be no peace cause peace to them (white race) means preparing for war ?

Not exactly; a Multigenerational Struggle (MgS) is one that takes several generations to fully complete.  That means that we shouldn’t expect to see the full actualization of our goals within our lifetime, we have to pick up from the previous generations, and pass on to the coming generation.  So many Black people incorrect think that freedom means full integration with White people (which is absurd because most White people are not free),...

I’m a black woman who attends a PWI and I find it very difficult to get through the day. Knowing more about the system and reading recent stories in headlines left me exhausted. White classmates are delusional to their surroundings. Black classmates (most, not all) are coons and uncle toms, they want to integrate more into the system. I came here to ask for your thoughts on what I’m going through and on the actions I should be taking to avoid and/or eradicate my depressive state. Thank you.

I can relate Sis, somewhat, cuz I know being a Black woman in such a situation has many overlaps with a Black man in that situation, but then there’s the extra burden of Sexism.I came up in an all Black environment from kindergarten to Jr. High, when I got to high school there were some White kids there, but it was still predominately Black.  My neighborhood was all Black, my Church was all Black, except for that one deacon who had a White...

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