You have to distinguish which segment of the African and African Diaspora you are referring to, because as the New Negros love to point out; “Black people are not a monolithic group.”
The most basic categories most Blacks fall into are; the Pan-Africanist, the Black Elite, the Black Masses. Or as the Nation’s of Gods and Earth’s break it down; the 5%, the 85%, and the %10.
If you look at the Pan-Africanist segment of the Global African Community, we are still recovering from the brutal counter-assault that hit us after the peak of the Black Liberation Struggle in the 50s and 60s. From COINTELPRO, to subversion of the international anti-colonial struggles. In the US our enemies employed assassination, false imprisonment, chemical warfare (Drug War), infiltration, and bribery to subvert the Black Liberation Struggle. Internationally they used Economic Hitmen, Jackals (global assassins), and the US military to disrupt the struggle.
The Pan-Africanist have always held strong ties to Africa, and the Pan-Africanist Africans always embraced the African Diaspora, and have worked together wherever opportunities presented themselves. That has been the case since the Reconstruction Era up to now, and has never been broken.
As for the Black masses, the apolitical Black Lumpen, the undereducated, or working Class Black people, they then to go with whatever the mass media feeds them. If the media is sympathetic to a region or leader of Africa, then the masses will support that region, like South Africa and Nelson Mandela. Most of the Black Masses, the 85% will express love for Mandela because the TV told them that he’s good. They will also have or reject any segment of African that the media tells them to; Libya or Somalia.
The same goes for the Black Masses in Africa, the worrship the Black Elites that the White media promotes to Africa, the try to emulate the styles and consumption habits of the Negro Elites. They flock to see Negro Celebrities with the UN or the US government send them to Africa for a photo op. That’s also been going on since decolonization. Our Oppressor shipped Louis Armstrong to the Congo in the 1960s to distract from their subversion of Lumumba, and their recolonization of the region!
Today they use Jay Z, 50 Cents, and other Black Minstrels in the same way, and the Black Masses of Africa, the US, and the Caribbean still fall for it.
Most of the Black masses have some weak concept of Black unity, but it’s not strong enough to build a movement on.
The Negro Elite of African, the West Indies, and the US are very unified, the most unified Black population in the world, only problem is; these Negro Elite are unified for the purpose of supporting and sustaining White Domination of African People.
Pan-Africanism is the only way forward for Black people of all nations, and the only way to build and strengthen Pan-Africanism is for the few of us who are already committed to the struggle to intensify our efforts and to make bolder moves. I know many Pan-Africanist who will not move beyond their comfort zones, and there are many Pan-Africanist in the US who live well, and only see Pan-Africanism as a hobby, as something to do in their spare time, they put their real resources in their jobs, and consumption just like the Black Lumpen and the Black Elite, that’s a real problem. Then they turn around and try to blame the Black masses for our lack of progress just like the Black Elite do, SMH.
We have to take our struggle very seriouly, be willing to make real sacrifices, take reak risk, and truly give our lives to the struggle, not simply be willing to die, but be willing to live for Pan-Africanism. I see that drive and commitment in less than 2% of the Pan-Africanist I met, and since we only represent a small fraction of the overall population, it’s not enough to rebuild the Global Black Liberation Struggle and offer real opposition to the Systems and Institutions of White Domination.
So we must, the Pan-Africanist, intensify, and consolidate, and push harder. Forward.