Supreme Court Invalidates Key Part of Voting Rights Act
Oh Lawdy, Lawdy! The Black Integrationist are all up in arms. De Supreme Court, with Uncle Justice Thomas has dun tuk away us people’s voting rights! Or something to that effect.
Shame, because look at all the gains we’ve made since the 1965 Voting Rights Act….right?
In reality, we’ve gained more fighting and organizing outside and against the System than we’ve ever made from voting and politicking within the system. Example: Justice Thurgood Marshall did more for the Black citizens of the US as an NAACP lawyer, then he ever could do as a Supreme Court Justice. In fact, while Justice Marshall was on the bench he presided over the dilution of most of the laws and policies he help put in place while arguing before the court.
Kwame Ture told us that; “the vote ain’t nutthin but a Honkey trick,” back in the 60s. He knew that Black people, being only 13% of the population, in a democratic system that is dominated by two racist corporatist parties, will never exercise real electoral power. We will only have political power if we organize ourselves and our resources. The Jews have only 2-3% of the vote, yet their interest are fully embraced by the political system. Do you hear Asians crying about the vote?
If we get organized around Pan-Africanist principles, we won’t have to cry about the vote, or beg politicians for a damn thing; the political parties will crawl to us and inquire about our views and how they better server our community.
Or…we can just keep following the Black Integrationsits who have been leading us astray since they helped the government bring down Marcus Garvey.