Feds release cattle seized in stand off with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy
A wealthy White militant (notice how no one in the media will call him a militant, that word is only reserved for Blacks who take up arms), who owes the federal government over a million dollars takes up arms and calls for others to take up arms and threaten to shoot and kill federal agents who are trying to collect a judgement against him.
Just imagine if a Black man took up a slingshot to resist paying a parking ticket fine, then imagine if a few other Black men stood with him and they also had slingshots, you know it would be a massacre.
This whole system is not only corrupt, racist, and dysfunctional, it is collapsing. From the Fascist Bureaucrats in the government, to the Racist White Nationalist who opposed the government; we have no ally or stake in their conflict.
We need to build Pan-Africanism it will be our life boat as all the Systems of White Domination cannibalized each other and sink to the floor of this planet’s vast oceans.
Please don’t get confused or tricked into taking sides in this stupid ass conflict, don’t see that Entitled White Ranchers as a folk hero, or the Government as being on your side either.
Don’t listen to the Moors or any other Black person who’s gonna run up to you talking that Sovereignty and Straw Man junk either until they can take up arms and stand down federal agents.
We have to stop playing games, we have to do rational and strategic assessments, and we need to see the choke points in this System and the many opportunities available to us a a People if we only organized and act as a unified people.
“When the Lion and Cheetah go to War, who should the Antelope root for?”