Fixing all of the corruption and misery that results from a For-Profit Health Care System by mandating that all citizens secure For-Profit Health Care, is like trying to end the horrors of Slavery by mandating that all citizens own or become slaves. Diallo Kenyatta.#ObamaDoesNotCare
Month: February 2014
Diallo’s Conspricy Corner: Cops in SUVs.
Ever notice how, just as the US population fell out of love with the SUV due to raising fuel cost, that our local and state police departments allofa sudden decided that they needed those roomy gas guzzlers to perform their Protecting and Serving duties? We know that the main purpose of the government is to serve and protect the Parasitic Elite who own every damn thing, including controlling stock in the US auto industry, and the oil industry....
If you are oppressed/enslaved, and your primary preoccupation is not liberation, then everything else you engage in will only deepen your enslavement, even those activities that used to be healthy for you will begin to be an unhealthy distraction, or they will give you the illusion of freedom, thus weakening your will and drive for real freedom. Diallo Kenyatta
There are Black folks out here who truly believe that the White man is gonna do right by us, just as soon as he figures out how. Prof. William Mackey
Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: The Corporate Media Hive Mind
If they can control our expectations, desires, and values through the media, then they will not have to worry about forcing us to act in any particular way. When the masses are ‘properly’ and fully indoctrinated, each mind becomes an agent of the Elite, an enforcer for the Elite, and a self replicating instrument of control because the indoctrinated pass their indoctrination on to their children and the other youth in their charge....
There isn’t one African who is respectfully remembered and honored because of what they accumulated or what they consumed, your life is only measured by what you contribute.
That’s why the Revolutionist’s Legacy is always the strongest, because they give/gave the most. R.I.P Mayor Chokwe Lumumba.
Slick Barack the Ruler.
Obama will join the ranks of Mobutu Sese Seko in Africa and François Duvalier in the Caribbean in the history books. He is a Black Head of State who shamelessly and openly serves the interest of the White Imperialist while neglecting and/or brutalizing his Black subjects. The only thing that separates Obama from other Black Dictators is that these other dictators used open violence to subdue their Black populations, whereas Obama uses...
Good to Know…
If I ever become a failed, corrupt, incompetent, and Kleptocratic ruler of a Black nation, it makes me feel good to know that I can just scapegoat Gays, Single Mothers, Pants Saggers, uneducated poor people who like to post their dysfunction on the internet, or some other isolated group for the problems and failures of my administration. It is good to know that the Black masses are still too politically illiterate to see through such basic...