Nope this blog the feds, you’re trying to lure some radical blakk people nope, too good to be true lol

maroonkwatakye: papaseanproductions: maroonkwatakye: diallokenyatta: No, I’m not the Feds.Yes I’m working to attract Radical Blacks to Revolutinary Pan-Africanism, and provide insights on the Struggle.The True-ness can be verified through research, the Goodness is subjective and for each reader to decide on their own. LMAO!  Lure them to what?  Cooperative Enterprises?  Political Empowerment?  Cultural Freedom?  If so, what is your...

American Liberty.

It cracks me up to see White folks in America talk about Liberty and Freedom, or their Constitutional Rights. Don’t them Hillbillys know how many people were subjected to genocide, enslaved, legally expelled from their lands, lynched, robbed of their wealth, unjustly incarcerated, deprived of basic human rights and dignity under their beloved Constitution? Don’t they know their beloved Founding Fathers of the United States were...

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