Black Adaptation of White Ideologies & Praticies

You ever notice that Blacks who raise to certain positions under White Domination, or who embrace/internalize certain ideologies within White culture are often most ignorant of the true purposes and impacts of their chosen profession, or ideology? Most Black Christians are not only ignorant of the origins and impacts of Christianity, they have all these illusions about how White Christians conduct themselves and approach the faith. They...

On Systematic Genocide in the US…

The US is just as capable and better positioned to commit systematic extermination of racial/ethnic/religions minorities within its borders as the Nazis were. If we follow the history of Western Empires starting with the Romans and concluding with the current US Global Empire we will see that every Western Empire carried out genocide against its minority populations, without exception. It blows my mind how many,… how most African people...

My response when someone tells me: “Christianity/Islam/Judaism started in African:”

Agriculture started in African, but it has no connection to the GMO based, chemically laced Agribusiness of today. Economics and trade started in Africa, but it has no connection to Omnicidal Capitalism that dominates the world today. Philosophy started in African, but it has not connection to the racist philosophies and ideologies that dominate the world today. Monotheism and Religion started in African….you get my point. Christianity,...
Black Assimilationist is my blanket term for Uncle Toms, African-Americans, apolitical Blacks, and all other Black people who’ve accepted the world as it is and just want to make their way within it. Diallo Kenyatta.

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