WA Gun Owners Stage The Largest Felony Civil Disobedience Rally In America’s History – Page 2 of 2 – Truth And Action

WA Gun Owners Stage The Largest Felony Civil Disobedience Rally In America's History - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And ActionFunny, The Right to Bare Arms seems to be the only Inalienable Right the White Masses seem to recognize and fight for. All Rights granted to them in the US Constitution are being violated, not just the Bill of rights, but all laws, provisions, and duties detailed in the U.S. Constitution are routinely violated by the Congress, the...

Is it true President Obama has approved reparations to be paid to descendants of the Maangamizi? He is a lame duck prez, in the final year of his 2nd term, and he can do some radical things now. The Strong ARM (African Reparations Movement) will finally flex its muscle!

I’m sorry to laugh, but that shit was funny.The truth is, Obama is going hard in the mahfuckin paint; but not for Justice, Reparations, or any substantial pardons (like Mumia, Snowden, Manning, O’Neal, or Assata).  Obama is pressing the PNAC in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  He’s bagging hard for the TransPacific Partnership, and he’s further entrenching the Surveillance State. Obama was never ever the Spook Who Sat by the Door;...

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