I can’t believe my eyes!! I think our African Deities, Ancestors, and Spiritual Systems, and Values are slipping in through the black door (no pun intended) of these Alien Religions and Practices that have been imposed on us for centuries. Are we shedding the demonetization of the Woman’s body, form, sexuality? Are we breaking the Europecentric aversion to exposure of skin? Are we returning to Gods who celebrate and even have sex,...
#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ I’m tired of unaccountable leadership and unexamined legacies. Black people elevate people to leadership, we follow their program, and when the fallout comes, we don’t blame the leader for implementing an ineffective or flawed plan, we blame the Black masses for failing to succeed when we were set up to fail by our leadership in the first damn place. I respect King, but RE-SPECT means; To Look (spect),...

On Black Faces in High (and not so High) Places…

How do we have more Black Judges, Lawyers, Cops, and Corrections Officers in the US than any other time in history, but they are allowed to remain silent, neutral, or hidden as the Black community mobilizes yet again to address the State Sanctioned Atrocities committed against us by police, and the legal and justice system in general? (I’m not talking about issuing statements, but using their positions, skills, resources, and training to...

List of differences between African and European culture? Where does Arab and Asian culture fit into this mix?

Of course the list will contain broad generalities because you asked for a list and a more detailed comparison could fill volumes.  Also, culture, like the beings who construt and adhere to them evolve, contract, expand, and manifest in many variing ways.  Also, varing cultures can do the same things under different motivations and for different outcomes.  It’s easier to deal the the outcomes or products of cultures becase that can be...

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