Puck the Folice!

When have the police ever stood for justice? How many social movements have the police ever supported or refused to attack. From emancipation, to woman’s suffrage, to the union movement, to the civil rights struggle, to the anti-war, and anti-nuke struggles. The police have attacked and brutalized people for simply exercising their human rights. When have the police ever sided with the masses of the people? When have the police ever...

The Black President Precedent.

Obama, like Mandela, is/was a trump card. They were both elected to quell the righteous indignation of the Black masses, and to lull them back to sleep; they gave false legitimacy to illegitimate and corrupt systems. These men don’t represent change, but a greater entrenchment of the standing power structure. If Africans in America had a global African World View, they would have been over the thrill of the ‘Black man in the Big...

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