There’s Little Klansman Inside Every White Liberal.

Something everyone who joins White Liberal causes needs to understand: “Every White Liberal has a little Klansman buried inside (them), and he feeds off of truth. When the White Liberal is exposed to too much truth, the little Kansman takes over, until the White Liberal can return to the comfortable lies that their Liberalism is rooted in.” Remember this the next time you are in mixed company, and those colorblind, post-racial,...

Oppression Bingo.

There’s nothing that saddens me more than any Oppressed group doing battle with another Oppressed group about who’s more Oppressed.  WTF?!! Who the fuck does that help? I poked the Feminist Hornet’s Nest this morning, and I’ve been seeing Sanger Disciples (my name for Black Feminist) telling me how privileged I am as a Black man in this System.   Had a Sister run down to me all the good shit that’s going on for...

All Feminism is White Feminism.

As someone who’s been calling out Feminism, and all other Integrationist Ideologies and Movements; I’m glad such critiques are being done.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cussed out, banned from Social Media, or unfriended (online, and in life) because I’ve said the exact same shit about Feminism. I know it’s because of my Cis Gendered, Testosterone saturated, Black Male Privileged brain could not...

Black Liberation Matters…

Throughout the recent cluster of atrocities, and the emerging protest movements Blacks have generally maintained: 1. Their same spending habits. 2. Their observations of holidays, sporting events, and other Western cultural traditions. 3. The same social circles and social outlets. 4. Their leisure travel schedules. 5. The tolerance of non-White businesses and property ownership in majority Black areas. 6. Their worship of the same Gods that...


House Negro –>Sambo–>Uncle Tom–>African-American–>New Negro. Field Nigga–>Uppity Negro–>Crazy Nigga–>Black Militant–>Pan-Africanist.

Mass Organization: Steps 1 & 2.

First two formations and protocols for any Mass Organization: 1. Mass Media Apparatus : If you don’t articulate your positions, values, agendas ect. to the people you intend to organize, then you are not serious about organizing.  Also, you allow your enemies and oppressors to articulate who you are and what you are about to the masses and your People.   No matter the stage of the struggle, and the level of development of your...

On the Obama Era…and what is to come.

Obama’s election had some predictable outcomes; for one, it was obvious that the US would assert that this nation had finally overcome it’s Racist history and that equal (or even greater) opportunities are available to Black people in the US.  Another predictable outcome is that the many Racist in this nation would be up in arms, that they would have the greatest mobilization tool since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation...

Black LGBTQs Got Pimped…

It’s funny, I’m seeing all of the outrage about the Stonewall movie.  The Gay Rights Movement is already writing Black LGBTQs out of the history of the struggle.  They are already ignoring issues that disproportionally impact the Black LGBTQ population, like Racism, Poverty, Homelessness, Violence, and Corrective rape.  They’ve already made a Trans, Rich, White, Republican the mascot for LGBTQ awareness.  LoL.  SMH.   Black...

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