Ban Religious Black Leaders!

Religious men, by definition cannot be true leaders.   Just think about it; religious men all bow to a higher power, and when they are put in positions of power their mandate is to “lead,” or “guide” others to follow the higher power.  Any Religious man who asserts that he is the Power, is in deep violation of his own doctrine.   The Religious man is not self-guided, he is not critical, he has, by his own admission,...

On Pan-Africanism & State-Craft.

I wrote before on how it’s so much easier to build churches than to build businesses in our communities, why it’s easier to organize a cult than to organize a political movement, why it’s easier to rally our people around an emotional cause than cooperative economics; it all has to do with Mentacide, and our multi-generational isolation from the State and State-Craft. From the moment we were invaded, colonized, enslaved, and...

On Black Leaders…(past, present, & future).

If your awakening came as a result of recent atrocities (that got corporate media coverage), if that’s the foundation of your activities, then you are unworthy of leadership (at this point). If your awakening is not rooted in, or immediately follow by, research, observation, study, review, and a sober understanding of the Systems and Institutions of White Domination; then you are a Reactionary. These recent cluster of atrocities should...
They (White People) expend so much effort on criminalizing and dehumanizing us because it helps to distract them from their own crimes and inhumanity. Diallo Kenyatta
It makes me shudder to think about just how many Black people allow the fate of our children and the destiny of our Race to rest in the hands of God. God is pure fiction, but the threats to our Race and continued existence are very real. I swear, I lose sleep behind this collective lunacy. Our children and their descendants deserve better from us. I don’t care about offending people’s beliefs, our survival is more important than your...

Seeking Justice from the Unjust, Seeking Humanity from the Inhumane….

The US Government has carried out, or supported (with policies, weapons, money) genocides across the globe.  From the ongoing Genocide against the Native Americans, including the Natives of South and Latin America, to Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Palestine, Haiti, the Congo, Sudan, Liberia…and the rest of Africa, Canada (yes, there are Natives in Canada remember?), the Philippines, Europe (yep, not even their homelands have been spared...

Black Canaries & White Suffering…

Like I always say; Black folks America’s “Canary in the Coal Mine.” All the shit they do to us comes back on them, it comes back on them hard. This isn’t because of some God punishing them for bad deeds, or some Karmaic bullshit; it’s simply the nature of policy and politics in the Western Context, it’s European Culture actually. They are not self regulating, self limiting, they are cancerous in nature, or...

On the Black Bourgeois, the Negro Elite, & Rich Niggas…

Yall do realize that there were Black plantation owners and slave holders in the United States during the lead up to the Us Civil War? Yall know that right? Yall do know that every single Black plantation owner and slave holder fought on the side of the Confederate States Army to sustain the system of Chattel Slavery, right?   Yall realize that every single “successful” Black slave holder put their own personal financial interest...

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