whitelivesdontmatter: badgallerina: xelamanrique318: In case y'all were unaware. -__________- she look a damn mess All Feminism is White Feminism.

I’m sorry if this question has been asked before but what books should one read to establish a proper foundation of understanding the TRUE gravity of White Supremacy, and all of its nasty off shoots (patriarchy, sexism etc.

Well, it takes one to know one, so even though there are some great text by Black scholars on the true gravity of White Domination (not Supremacy, but Domination); I think it’s important to read White folks too, it takes one to know one.  Here’s a list:The Lexus and the Olive Tree : This is text promoting and celebrating Globalization (White Domination and Capitalism), it gives great insight into the mentality and the world view of our...

can u speak more on the angela davis thing? i know about gloria steinem, r. karenga, cleaver etc but there seems to be very little stated cognitive dissonance regarding how angela went from being on trial as an accessory to first degree murder of a pig to princeton professor or whatever ivy league slaver incubation chamber doing talks on the weekends to white liberals while still being mentioned in the same breath as Assata

If it look like a duck, walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and comes out relatively unscathed at the same time COINTELPRO is killing all of your direct associates, falsely imprisoning them, or driving them into exile like a duck; then it’s a fucking duck.The movement was saturated with infiltrators, provocateurs, informers, and traitors; a few others didn’t enter the movement to betray it, but they were turned for various reasons.AD was...

Each post you upload educates & inspires black readers who want TRUE liberation. FUCK the people who call you “hotep” etc. Black Progressives think they’re revolutionary but they’re reformists. It’s Civil Rights 2.0 And this is coming from a 20-year-old. Idc if you respond to this. What you’re doing is extraordinary to our minds, our souls, & for the black people seeking TRUE liberation. We outchea, don’t give up on us! I know you’re exhausted, but your posts are NEEDED.

You know I gotta respond.  I need you too; your feedback and support inspires and sustains me.  Thank you for taking the time to read, digest, and offer feedback.#TheStruggleIsLife

What do you think of a critical theory of afro pessimist and in relation to pan africanist thought

Afro Pessimism is akin to the “unfit to rule” principle that emerged in the West in the early stages of the post-colonial era.  It’s a BS notion, but one that needs to be dissected.  The same people who assert that Africa is to far gone to save or fix are the same people who cause and profit from the chaos and dysfunction.  The same people who determined that Africans are “unfit to rule” the State are the same ones who subvert...

Sisters, White Feminist Are Not Your Ally.

Feminist fight for their share of the spoils of Slavery, Colonization, and Imperlism; they seek a seat at the table of White power, they don’t seek to dismantle the Systems and Institutions of White Domination. Just study how Feminist behave when they come to power; or just wait until Hillary is elected, and you’ll get a fresh example of what I’m talking about. Or you can look at the 20 White females Senators (the most in US...

Diallo: Hotep.Homo.Sexist.Simp.

I’m called a “Hotep,” I’m called a Homo, I’m called a Sexist, I’m called a Simp.   There is so much pettiness, anti-intellecutalism, and non-contextualism in the Struggle that we can’t even get out the gate let alone think about winning the Race. ‪#‎Mentacide‬ Here’s my response to the latest “Open-minded” Black Progressive who wants to lump me in with the “Hoteps,”...

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