Integrationist Activist and New Negro Organizations had Black folks in the streets demanding bodycams and dashcams for all US police officers.Now, them Negros was calling for this because they assumed that that footage would be recorded and then surrendered to a sympathic excutive branch of the government, which oversees the judicial branch of the federal government. LOL!They really thought Obama would take that footage and flood the Hood with...
The worst thing about Integration is that it’s always late.Dr Claud Anderson stated that “Racism holds us in place until technology (progress) can steamroll over us.” That means that in our efforts to overcome Racism and Integrate into the System, we are stagnant and surpassed by those who don’t expend energy on fighting Racism.As we fight Racism, because Racism prevents us from fully Integrating into the Dominate System,...
Black Lives Don’t Matter in this current political, economic, and social system. Not just in the US; Black Lives Don’t Matter on a Global Scale, from Angola, to the Congo, to Haiti, to Indonesia. Black Lives Don’t Matter under Global White Domination and Industrial/Investment Capitalism. Legal and Moral Appeals to those in Power will not bring Value to Black Lives. Political Reforms and passage of more Civil Rights...
I wish the cops would just tell Black folks the damn truth. Just imagine if the head of all local, county, state, and regional policing forces simply admitted that it’s not their call to impose brutal repression on Blacks, and they don’t have the authority to end it. Do you know how much time and energy that would save Black activist and Integrationist? How much money and resources too. It would also pull the rug out from...
There are communities and racial group in the US who commit horrendous crimes, crimes that the most vicious thugs in the Black community can’t even fathom. From complex financial crimes, to trafficking in human organs, to the child sex trade. There is violence weapons in all racial groups in the US, the US runs on violence, the level of wealth a racial group has in this economic system is directly proportional to the amount of...
History demonstrates that submission, passivity, non-violence, and vulnerability only increases White Aggression; it never provokes guilt, empathy, or reflection in White Aggressors, not once in history. There are countless cases when Whites have happened upon peaceful, unarmed, and welcoming “Primitives,” such as the Twa people and the Arawaks and proceeded to rape, rob, enslaved, brutalized, and exterminate them; even though these...
Throughout the recent cluster of atrocities, and the emerging protest movements Blacks have generally maintained: 1. Their same spending habits. 2. Their observations of holidays, sporting events, and other Western cultural traditions. 3. The same social circles and social outlets. 4. Their leisure travel schedules. 5. The tolerance of non-White businesses and property ownership in majority Black areas. 6. Their worship of the same Gods that...
The US Government has carried out, or supported (with policies, weapons, money) genocides across the globe. From the ongoing Genocide against the Native Americans, including the Natives of South and Latin America, to Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Palestine, Haiti, the Congo, Sudan, Liberia…and the rest of Africa, Canada (yes, there are Natives in Canada remember?), the Philippines, Europe (yep, not even their homelands have been spared...