On Africans & Islamophobia.

Black people cannot be Islamophobic any more than we can be Racist; not even if we wanted to be. There are no Arab/Islamic lands invaded and occupied by Africans.   There are no Arab/Islamic people who have African Gods and Dogma imposed on them or their lands.  There are no Arab/Islamic people enslaved by African nations.  There are no Arab/Islamic peoples killing each other over African religions and ideologies.   Arab/Muslims colonize...

I was thinking and I sorta suspect that if Africans worldwide were to come together and fight, some of our non-Black oppressors would give up without a fight or try to compromise. What do you think? I think their power is imaginary and they have power because we fail to do anything to stop them because we’re afraid of what they make us think they have.

Oh, you are so correct.  This muthafuckas run the world on a bluff.  The problem is, they’ve perfected their methods of mass indoctrination over the course of centuries; so they can rest on the assurance that “Africans worldwide” will not “come together and fight.”The Elites can’t defeat us, but they’ve manged to convince us to defeat ourselves and each other on their behalf.  If this indoctrination ever broke down the...

As far as we are concerned, are they aiming for slavery or extinction?

They (and I’m assuming you are referring to those who Run and Profit from Global White Domination and Global Capitalism)….they want Domination and Profit; that’s it.Unfortunately, both Domination and Profit inevitably require Slavery and drive us to extinction; not just animal and human extinction, but the destruction of the life sustaining capacity of the entire planet; which is Omicide.You can’t have profit without slavery, cuz...

On Black Elites & Class Reproduction.

The Black Elites, the top Black earners and status holders, commit their considerable money and influence to Class Reproduction.   That means they work to sustain themselves, and bring more Blacks into their Elite (and extremely limited) Class. That’s why they give millions to Negro Colleges and Universities, they build elite boarding schools, why they set up foundations and programs to “encourage success,” among the lower...

On the “African” Anti-Homosexuality Movement

The Black Puritains who love to praise Africa’s anti-Homosexuality stance always fail to mention that the same Christian and Islamic fanatics who are brutalizing African Homosexuals, who are killing them, and subjecting African women to Corrective rape; are the exact same ones murdering and brutalizing African children and elders for  "witchcraft,“ and traditional African spirituality.   I’m so sick of these Black...

On Human Nature & White Domination.

White folks try to front like the drive to conquest, ecocide, domination, theft, and enslavement is a universal trait, common to all races; and that they are just better at it than the rest of us.   Before they asserted that we were less than human, and bred to be dominated, or cursed to server the greater races; but when that myth dissolved the developed the concept of a universal Human nature, then they impose the Western Mentality and...

Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: It’s Bigger Than Black Lives & the Cops Yall!!!!

I wish the cops would just tell Black folks the damn truth. Just imagine if the head of all local, county, state, and regional policing forces simply admitted that it’s not their call to impose brutal repression on Blacks, and they don’t have the authority to end it.   Do you know how much time and energy that would save Black activist and Integrationist?  How much money and resources too.  It would also pull the rug out from...

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