Talking White History with a White Historian.

Yesterday, I had a White person, who has a PhD in history accuse me of asserting that All White People are bad or evil. I responded that I’m not the one who promotes the notion that All White People are bad or evil; I informed her that White people, especially White historians are the ones who promote and sustain the idea that All White People are evil. She looked confused. I proceeded to tell her that the enslaving rapist George Washinton...

Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: Human Cattle.

Remember a few months ago when they had the Masses all hyped up about Vaccines?  LOL!  I bet that most of these pro-Vaccine MFers dun forgot, ain’t thought about the issue since it’s been dropped by the corporate media. But anyway…: There was a relatively new term injected into the US lexicon: Herd immunity.  Folks swallowed this shit without a blink, both the pro and anti Vac folks was talking “herd immunity this,...

Was World War 1 and World War 2 financed by the Elites ?

No, no, not at all.The people who financed WW1 and WW2 are the same people who fought the wars; the indoctrinated masses of poor and working-class citizens of the Imperial nations and subjects of the Imperial colonies.  States finance wars by taxing the masses, reducing/cutting services to the masses, and by creating more debt to be eventually paid off by the masses.The Elites profit from wars they don’t pay for them, with their money or...

“Black people can’t be racist” – youtube *dot* com/watch?v=BLb3o65q0vk

I can’t follow the link, but correct ; Black people are in no position to practice or impose Racism on any other Race. Black individuals can be bias, prejudice, and even bigoted; but Racism is a System of oppression based on a people’s racial characteristics and classifications. So until Black overthrow our own racial oppression & then erect our own systems of racial oppression aimed at non-Blacks, Blacks cannot practice or...

You’re an idiot.

Wow, such a well articulated rebuttal.  I like how you identified the holes in my arguments and provided a counter argument with supporting evidence. LoL!You are not even worthy of a W.R.I.T Score; troll on in peace Anon. 
Climate, Food, & Race by Eric Holt-Gimenez.(Source:

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