rikodeine: seemeflow: Because of the Fifth Amendment, no one in the U.S. may legally be forced to testify against himself, and because of the Fourth Amendment, no one’s records or belongings may legally be searched or seized without just cause. However, American police are trained to use methods of deception, intimidation and manipulation to circumvent these restrictions. In other words, cops routinely break the law—in letter and in...
I’ll be on a panel to discuss Mental Health & Violence, but I’m coming from a Fanonian perspective. #HeedFanon #PacificationIsNotPeace (at Joliet, Illinois)

Are african immigrants who immigrate to United States also considered colonial subjects ?

Yes. And if they don’t wanna accept that, I just what for White America to learn them.I employed this Sudanese waitress at my Vegan restaurant back in the day, she swore that I wasn’t African, and that she wasn’t Black America; that we were separate and distinct people.  I argued that I and she were Africans, that Africans of the Diaspora were as African as our Brothers and Sisters born on the Continent; she just didn’t want to accept...

What are your thoughts on Immortal Technique? I think you too would have a very informative and enlightening conversation. Althought you don’t vibe with Dr Umar, you too would have good dialogue as well…. Your thoughts on Dick Gregory? He seems out of his mind. Lol. But what do I know.

I really like Immortal Technique, but I don’t like him using “nigga” in his rhymes, that shit ain’t cool.  I didn’t grow up in NYC, and I almost got into a fight when this Puerto Rican dude called me a “nigga,” but the other Black people at the basketball court broke us up and told me I was wrong for trying to fight him for that; and that it was cool for dudes from PR and DR  to say “nigga.” Wasn’t shit I could do, I...

Brother Diallo, after Fidel Castro’s 90th birthday what can we learn from his resilience? The United States tried to assassinate this man hundreds of times. Was Castro lucky or was it something else?

What we can learn is that Socialism works, and that even an isolated, surrounded, and besiege little island can endure employing Socialist economic and social programs and policies. But Cuba was not a fully Socialist State, is was a single party dictatorship; but this was out of pure necessity, the state would have been subverted otherwise.So we also learn that if the Socialist Revolution tries to rest in one small nation instead of working to...

The great legendary boxer Muhammad Ali passed away a couple of months ago ! I realized that he just traded a slave religion/name ( he was Christian and his previous name was Cassius Clay) for another slave religion Islam ! In your opinion was Muhammed Ali ill informed about the history of Islam imposed by the arabs (who are genetic cousins of the european christians) ? And if he would have embraced a african religion would he have been a cult in africa and the african diaspora !

I’m not sure what Ali know about the history of Islam in Africa, or if he know about the ongoing Islamic Racism and Imperialism in Africa up to the time of his death. I know the NOI, which brought MA to Islam teach a mythologized history of Islam and it’s relation to Black people; and for much of his youth Ali articulated that mythology.So he was ill-informed about Islam at some point, and like I said; I don’t know if he ever studied or...

Can you give some context on who Matthew Stevens is and why he is committing these illegal acts against you and the kids?

Damn, I don’t know if I should reopen that can of worms cuz he’s been quite so far this season and I don’t want him vandalizing our spaces again…, but then again he’s harassed and vandalized other people and projects so I think people have a right to know.Dude worked for this NfP called the Wisdom Project.  They paid him over 14k to design a “food forest,” his relationship soured with the Wisdom Project, they broke ties with...

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