What do you think about Jill Stein? Who do you think we should vote for? Should we even vote?

I think she was the best candidate, with the best political platform, running for the best party in the 2017 presidential race.I think Black people should have voted for Jill Stein, and all other Green Party candidates on this ticket this election cycle. (Unless their local ballot had a candidate on the ballot from their own local organization, as we often did when I was a member of the National Black United Front of KC.)Yes, Black people should...

What exactly is Asili Culture ? Could you explain it in your own words ?

Asili is the seed from which any particular culture is spawned, nurtured, and cultivated.  The people, environment, and timeline of an identified people; absent of or prior to alien influences. The Asili is so deeply rooted in a people that centuries of engaging with other cultures can’t fully break or remove it.#MarimbaAni

Is there a hidden agenda to Brexit ? Also will there be a chain reaction in the European Union ?

No, the Brexit is as Racist, Xenophobic, and Jingoistic deep down as it appears to be on the surface.The only reason people are surprised by Brexit is because they don’t teach the History and current reality of White Tribalism.  The truth is Europe is not a Continent and it’s made up of hyper-aggressive, warring Tribes; always has been, always will be.  The only way to truly unify Europe is by having on Vicious Warlord or Dictator conquer...

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