U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan AlliesIf you thought systematic and institutional sexual abuse of children, especially young boys was unique to the Catholic Church, guess again. The Islamic Religion has a long and deep history of sexual abuse of boys; and we don’t even have to get into the religions treatment of women and girls. The US government is also complicit in this, but don’t think that it was just...

Some Clarifications About My Anti-Feminism…

I need to offer some clarifications.  There are some cats out here who mistakenly think we are on common ground on the issue of Feminism; and that’s the farthest thing from the truth. I am an Anti-Feminist, but I’m not a Black Puritain, an AfroSexist, a Mommy-Issues-Militant, a Daddy-Issues-Intellectual, a RBGangsta, a Meninist or an Anti-Womanist. These men (and the women who love them) promote the idea that Feminism harms men, and...

Black Liberation & the Nuclear Family…

I’m tired of hearing these Black Puritans talk shit about the Black Family being the foundation of a nation, or how far we have fallen since we no longer have “father figures” in the home.   These people be swearing they so damn African and have our communities best interest at heart; but when you look at what they advocate it’s some old backwards ass Nuclear family bullshit, that was never us, and don’t even work...

On Good Cops, Reforms, and Activism…

Good cops will not change institutions or nature of policing in this society any more than electing a Black president changed the nature of governance and imperialism of the United States.  That’s not how institutions work nor how they are changed.   We can’t reform our way out of this, just look at Civilian Complaint Review Boards when they are established, they eventually begin to cooperate and protect officers, not citizens or...

Crime & Policing & Power.

There are communities and racial group in the US who commit horrendous crimes, crimes that the most vicious thugs in the Black community can’t even fathom.  From complex financial crimes, to trafficking in human organs, to the child sex trade.   There is violence weapons in all racial groups in the US, the US runs on violence, the level of wealth a racial group has in this economic system is directly proportional to the amount of...

Faulty Comparisons: Blacks, Asians, & Jews.

I’m really sick of New Negros, Black Liberals, and many of yall Black Militants and yall half-ass solutions and remedies to Black dysfunctions. We always hear Blacks talk about the Koreans; their beauty shop and market businesses and networks, or the Chinese and their Chinatowns, or the Jews and their economic savvy.  They compare these people to Blacks, and pretend that Black folks just can’t figure our shit out and do what these...

First Lady Michelle Obama will be in Groton for submarine christening

First Lady Michelle Obama will be in Groton for submarine christeningI’m sure all you ChiTown Citizens and Obamites are happy to know that your FLOTUS will be christening a Nuclear submarine called the USS Illinois this weekend. Yes, Illinois, the state that can’t fund its schools, or meet its pension obligations, the city that is trying to finance itself off of parking tickets and taxing the shit out of people whom don’t get...

I asked a person once, what is the solution to white supremacy(I know it’s white domination but at the time I aint know no better lol) And the person replied, several nuclear bombs. Do you agree with that statement? Do you think African nations, and majority African diaspora nations like Haiti, Jamaica, etc, should engage in nuclear weapons research and technology?

I do not agree, Nuclear Bombs are not the solution; I don’t think that African nations or nations of the African Diaspora should engage in nuclear weapons research and technology.  Look at all of the fighting forces that fought the nuclear powers to a standstill or ousted them from their nations without using nukes.Also, all nations that have nuclear weapons and energy are contaminated with nuclear waste and fall out; all of them.  Western...

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