How can africa have a strong Military ?

Great question.A strong military rest on the discipline and dedication of the fighters; disciplined and dedicated fighters are not forged by the military, they are forged by the society, they are forged in the womb, in their homes, in the community, in the culture.We used to cultivate warriors in African, not simply train soldiers.  Now the we train soldiers, instead of cultivating warriors; African fighters are a threat to the African people,...

Liberation: That’s Not How This  Works….That’s Not How Any of This Works.

History demonstrates that submission, passivity, non-violence, and vulnerability only increases White Aggression; it never provokes guilt, empathy, or reflection in White Aggressors, not once in history. There are countless cases when Whites have happened upon peaceful, unarmed, and welcoming “Primitives,” such as the Twa people and the Arawaks and proceeded to rape, rob, enslaved, brutalized, and exterminate them; even though these...

On Immigrants & the “Job Stealing” Myth.

Why do we keep repeating the myth that “immigrants are willing to do the jobs that Americans (citizens) don’t want to do, or are unwilling to do?” That’s a complete lie and distortion. The reality is, immigrants are desperate enough to work for starvation and poverty wages, under substandard conditions that Americans (citizens) are unable to due to their acculturation; and the basic labor and wage laws.   Citizens...

The Trajectory of White Gun Obsession…

I stated back when they let George Zimmerman go, and the White masses offered him their full support and donated millions to his cause; that that was gonna come back on White folks with vengeance. The thing is, the Corporate Media plays up the Black threat, it distorts and inflates is. Black men are less than 6% if the overall US population, and have a very low gun ownership rate than White males. That means that if every Black man was a gun...

On New Negros & Anti-Violence.

We live under a thick blanket of White Aggression, Threat, and Violence that hits us while we are still in our mother’s wombs, and it stays with us until we die often premature deaths due to that White Aggression. We live under that blanket of White Aggression, Threat, and Violence without resisting it, without even acknowledging it. But let a video of Blacks fighting in the streets hit the web, and all of a sudden New Negros are...

Black Women’s Resistance to Gender-Based Oppression Pre-Dates the Feminist Movement….so why did Black women join it?

Some Sisters are saying that the abuse and exploitation Black men heap upon Black women is what drives them to Feminism, hell, I’ve even made this Fallacious claim in the past; (I’ve never believed it, I’d just use this argument to make a point when I’m arguing with Black Puritans, Toxic Black Nationalist, RBGangstas, and AfroSexist who disrespect Black women then say they hate Feminism). The reality is more complex, or...

The Feminist Agenda vs. Black Women’s Oppresion

White Feminist were complaining about not being allowed into the work force while Black women been working in the US since slavery (for free, then for starvation wages, and now for poverty wages). White Feminist were fighting to stop Sexual Harassment in corporate America, while ignoring Black women were suffering brutal rape,assaults, and murder in the streets and America’s prisons (that were driven by US economic and criminal justice...

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