The Worst Terrorism…(according to the White Elite).

The worst terrorism anyone can commit against the Capitalist and Western Power Structures is exposure; not bombings, or mass shootings, or killing civilians (as if those in power give a damn about civilians), it’s exposure they fear the most. Exposing the realities and truths that those in power seek to hide or distort will provoke those in power to move against you quicker than any other action. That’s why the government still arms...

Animal Rights & POC Oppression….

Black people, please don’t roll your eyes, dismiss, or criticize White people when they express love for their animals, and their fervent support for Animal Rights, please. I know how ridiculous it is for us to see them rescuing dogs from the floods during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, or to see them open pet hospital emergency rooms as they close trauma centers in the Hood, or when they set up a fund to rescue stray dogs and cats in...

What should African Americans do Culture wise? Recreate their own culture and make it international, or pick an African culture and run with it?

1. African Americans should fade into historical and cultural obscurity.  They should be dumped into the Ash Can of History.You can’t truly be an African-American because America is anti-African, so they cancel each other out, so African-Americans are nothing culturally; they are a joke, they are dysfunctional, confused,… they are doomed. Even though we Africans were born in the US, we have never been full citizens of the US, we...

What are the roots of white supremacy? Is it endemic to whites or is it something that can be reversed? I read somewhere that only white people can know the reason why they practice white supremacy. Do you agree or disagree with this notion?

I think White Supremacy should more accurately be called White Domination.I think White Domination is rooted in the Geo-social development of the people who identify as White, or European.  I think the climate of the region where Western Culture, and the Western Mentality came to be set people in that region on a path of perpetual conflict with all other cultures, and a drive to displace others and lay claim their land and resources. There has...

Was Angela Davis an agent? I’ve often seen comments on the internet claiming that she was, but I can’t seem to find any texts or sources that back this up.

I suspect that she was, it has been a long while since I’ve actually given attention to the issue. I know  Keidi Awadu (the Conscious Rasta) did reports on her treasonous actions, you can contact him for actual references.I know there is no other Black Militant that has gone from the FBI’s most wanted list to tenured faculty at a prestigious university; that alone to me is suspicious.  Both of the Jackson Brothers perished while engaging...

Alright, we know that there was a lot of agents & informants in the black panther party. Who was not an agent nor informant within the black panther party? I asked, because I heard Huey P. Newton & Eldridge Cleaver were agents.

Fred Hampton. Assata Shakur. Pete O'Neal. Geronimo Pratt. Stokely Carmichael Charlotte O'Neal Bunchy Carter Bobby Hutton Akua Njeri The thousands of committed Black Panthers in Chapters all over the world.  I’ll stop at ten, research the first 9, and the overall history of the Panther Struggle.  I wanted to list more but I think after some initial study you’ll encounter the rest and have a more holisitc view of the Struggle and or...

Why are black men are so scared, so cowardly?

Black men are not cowardly, far from it.  Its funny because this rational was used to exclude Black men from military service, that we were too undisciplined and cowardly for military service; and each and every time the US got its ass into the fire they allowed Black men into the military and our ancestors (stupidly) helped save this nation from military defeat.  From the Revolutionary War, to the Civil War, to the Spanish America War, to WWI...

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