Right wing extremists in Europe (particularly Germany) claim that the mass influx of immigrants from Middle East and Africa spells the doom of Europe, and cultural genocide of white Europeans. Is there any truth to that?! God I hope so! ? At any rate, will it mean Europe will no longer be a bastion of white supremacy? If so, maybe European society will truly become multicultural and egalitarian

No, the real doom of Europe is coming from the White European Elites; the biggest threat to the White masses has always been the White Elites, and it is the White Elites who orient and indoctrinate the White masses to believe that non-Whites are an existential threat to the White masses.  Also, the White Nationalist are cowards and bullies, so they prefer to target vulnerable and desperate immigrants then challenge their own Elites and the...

Do you know of any self help books, articles, blogs for black men?

Any books that informs and enriches you is a self-help text in my view; but I do have a few that can be classified as self-help specifically:Dr. Naim Akbar.Dr. Marimba Ani.Dr. Obari Cartman.I also have found a lot of inspiration and instruction from autobiographies of men I admire:I hope this aids you, I can’t say I’m versed in the self-help genre; but I this book list helps you to help yourself.  

From a Pan-African perspective, what is the free market? And why are conservatives and libertarians obsessed with it?

The Free Market is pure fiction.The reason Conservatives and Libertarians; which are just polite ways to say White Racist and White Nationalist, they reasons the Sons of Bitches are so into the Free Market is because they are into White Fiction in general.The Free Market, Fiat Currency, White Supremacy, Social Darwinism, Christianity, Capitalism, Meritocracy, Democratic Values, American Exceptionalism, etc, are just some of the shit load of...

Next time whites want to say we like to riot, loot, and destroy, can you remind them of a certain European tribe these behaviors were named after?! The Vandals marauded, raped, pillaged, all over the Roman Empire, forcing its collapse

Word.  I have to remind people that Europeans were already well experienced in Invasions, Colonization, Mass Murder, Enslavement, Systematic Rape, and all that other shit long before they reached the shores of Africa, Asia, North and South Americas. The first victims of White Aggression were other Whites; and they are always one step away from mass White on White Slaughter, no matter if it’s WWI, WWII, or ethnic slaughter like in Central and...

Diallo, you’re a great critical thinker and read quiet often. Have you, or have you ever entertained the thought of reading books and literature written by white supremacists, such as ‘The Turner Diaries’ or ‘Mein Kampf’?

I’ve read Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, The Eternal Jew, Civil War II: The Coming Break Up of America, The Bell Curve, The White Man’s Bible, etc.  I’ve also read all that White Nationalist text like Behold A Pale Horse, The Unseen Hand, Conspirators Hierarchy, Pawns in the Game, etc. I grew up in Missouri, I used to go to gun shows, preparedness exposes (preparedness used to be called survivalism).  I used to go to White Christian...

What are your thoughts on Morgan Freeman?

He’s an immense talent, the kinda talent that only comes along once or twice a generation; but he be on way too much New Negro bullshit for me to admire him beyond his artistic/acting ability.  So, fuck him til he gets his (ideological) shit together.  #NNSEPOr maybe I should not be too hard on him, maybe planing all them Sambo Saviors of Whitey characters warped his outlook.  LOL!You know, Black Star, the co-host on my radio...

So being that you’re an “anticapitalist” how do you not feel totally stupid about the contradiction that you need money if you’re going to have a shred of hope that any of the bullshit u type is going to succeed? Garvey was a capitalist even the black panthers while talking shit about capitalism engaged in capitalist practices. It’s always losers and failures that are “anticapitalist”. And if u were really anticapitalist u wouldn’t be using tumblr u phony.

Earning, spending, and and needing cash dose not make you a Capitalist. Money has been around long before Capitalism, and I suspect that money or some other medium of exchange will be here long after capitalism is done.Just look at all of the socialist nations; they have money, they have currency, they have banks, they have entire economic systems; not just capitalist nations.Yes, Garvey was a self-professed Capitalist, but he was organizing in...

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