Did Africans sale other africans into slavery?

Short Answer:No.Long Answer:First, Slavery is not universal, no more universal than God and Religion.  Just as you find wide variation in religion, and culture, you find wide variations of “slavery” around the world.  There was no Slavery in Africa as Europeans understood and practiced it; but the savage European invaders didn’t have a word for what they did find in Africa, so they just reduced it to “slavery.”  In some cased they...

What are your thoughts on science in general? If science is such a good thing then why has it been involved in the creation of nukes, bio weapons, machine guns, and an internet and entertainment industry full of dehumanization of non-whites?

Science, or more specifically the Scientific Method is a tried and proven means of developing, testing, and answering questions and inquiries.  That’s all.There is no rational person who would attribute any inherent goodness or evil to science.  Science is a method, science incorporates tools, instruments, and talents; but does not bestow or mandate any morality righteousness upon the scientist or scientific action.  Also, science is not...
Protesting White atrocities is not the same thing as building Black Power.  If you are not building Black Power then your protesting is a waste of your time. Diallo Kenyatta

Are you anti-homosexuality or pro-homosexuality? Please don’t drive this into the gray area. It’s one or the other.

Damn, since you forced me into a strict pro or anti position, then I’d have to go with pro-homosexuality.  Now, even though you posed this question and restrictive parameters for answering the question, anonymously I know that your are a straight male.I know you a straight dude because I’ve never, not even once in my life ever had a homosexual ask me about my views on their sexuality, not even one time; I don’t think they give a shit...

Just a heads up: Deep Green Resistance operates under some strongly transphobic(and specifically transmisogynistic) ideas, they’re kinda bad news.

Now, my great grandmother warned me to “stay up outta White folks business, and tend to your own,” and heeding this sage advice has greatly served me in my political and organizational life.But since this issue is spilling into the Black community, and many Black folks have made the LGBTQAI Movement their own, some supporting and many others opposing, I guess it wouldn’t be too big of a violation to address this beef between DGR, Radical...

What are your thoughts on the Nuwabians and Malachi Z York? Some people hate him and some people defend him.

Based on what I know, Dr. York is a ego maniacal sexual predator; which seems to be a very common trait among charismatic cult leaders form all Race.  Of course I don’t base this conclusion on the US government’s case against him, but based on accounts from members of his cult.  People do love him, even to this day, but it’s not hard to construct a Cult-of-Personality among oppressed people; because oppression is not just physical it’s...

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