lyfestile: micdotcom: The United States government is observing Endangered Species Day Friday in order to “recognize the national conservation effort to protect our nation’s endangered species and their habitats.” The observance shines a much-needed light on the tragedy of animal extinction. All of the animals above — and more — are “critically endangered.” Crazy… Why aren’t your rebelling?
I always say; I wish these stupid ass Racist like Bill O'Reilly​ were correct in their rantings.  I really do.Just imagine if Obama as a Socialist Kenyan, just imagine if there was a War on Christmas​ which is nothing but a disgusting consumer orgy anyway, now, just imagine if Shit Hop was truly moving our people away from Christianity, or moving all Americans away from Christianity, which is nothing more than a “Male Chauvinist...

Who exactly are the White Elites ? I know thanks to your insightful posts that they are running the world and are responsible for all the mess and atrocities the created in this world ! But who are they and do you have any suspicion ?

Marx laid this out succinctly;  The White Elites are the Capitalist, the Capitalist are those who own and control the means of production.  They are not those who simply have a lot of cash, hell there are Negros out here with a shit load of cash.The White Elites are the ones who own the printing presses and the Central Banks that print the cash, dictate the value of cash, and expand or contract the money supply at their whim.The White Elites...

If we are dismantling Global White Domination as you mentioned it so many times wouldn´t be that a dangerous path regarding the White Masses in the western hemisphere ? I know that the White Elites are the real perpetrators for all the mess and atrocities the commited in this world but I fear the White Masses more !

You got it totally backwards, the White Elites are much more a threat than the White Masses.The White Elites don’t just employ and drive the White Masses they have African, Asian, Native American, Islander, and Europeans under their control and doing their bidding.  Hell, name a White person who’s put  in more work for the White Elites than Obama in the past few years.So, the White Elites will use anyone to advance their agendas and...

Capitalist shills on the net are saying socialism is a failure and they specifically point out Venezuela and the fact that the folks over there can’t even get toilet paper or adequate medical care. What you got to say about this?

I say that it’s a lie.  It dosen’t really work to use facts to counter most people who believe in Capitalism or that they are Capitalist.  They are indoctrinated into accepting Capitalism, and facts and evidence don’t sway victims of indoctrination; only counter indoctrination works on the indoctrinated.  The Capitalist understand this, that’s why they invest billions in media, billions in controlling and printing text books, billions...

When you look at Israel and white Jewish people, how do you explain that situation? Sometimes it’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that they’re doing the same thing to people what they themselves suffered. Is this just white pathology after all? And it sucks that only their genocide matters and not the genocide of Africans at the hand of white people still occurring today.

First, we have to detach Zionism from the German Holocaust.  Zionism was around long before the Nazis came to power in Germany and Fascism gripped Western Europe.  The Zionist have successfully captured the German Holocaust and exploit it to the max, we need to stop allowing this, and realize that Zionism is not a by-product of the atrocities committed by the Nazis.Also, we need to stop pretending that Zionism is somehow a prophetic...

Is it really true that the western nations/western hemisphere/civilization would live in a stoneage or lets just say collapse without the african natural resources that they are exploiting ? Sorry for asking this question do not want to sound ignorant but I am just being curious since I read alot of your posts which are very insightful !

The last time Western Europe was cut off from the resources of Africa it was called the Dark Ages, they didn’t quite regress to the Stone Ages. LoL. There’s a much more detailed answers to your question, but I’m on my phone and I am really bad at thumb typing. So I’ll give the short answer: The way the world economy is structured & the redundancies they have worked into their systems, it would hurt like hell to lose...

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