Fuck marching and complaining to crackers who ain’t changing Wise Intelligent (via thesunatmidnight2)

Hello ! I am am 27 year old black male who lives in Europe (not by choice) ! Now my question is what happens when we as africans are succesfull in the pan african movement while we gain more power,wealth etc…? I understand that the White Elites are responsible for all the mess and atrocities they created in this world but I fear the White Masses more then ever will the revert back like their ancestors who killed the natives americans and other non White Populations through out the world ?

Your question has many segments.  As for what happens when the Pan-African movement is successful, it quite simple; we go about our natural evolutionary path, the path that was disrupted by Islamic and European invasions, the Slave Trade, colonization, and neo-colonilism and ecocide.  We work to repair the ecological damage done by a few centuries of Western industrialization and capitalism, we return the stolen resources and artifacts to the...

On Tokenism…

Obama awaken the tiny sleeping Uncle Tom in many of you conscious Black folk.  He had many of y'all go from “Revolt & Rebel” to “Hope & Change” real quick back in 2008. I wonder if Hillary Clinton will awaken the tiny sleeping Feminist is our conscious Sisters this time around. Are gonna go from “Ladies First” to supporting the First Lady POTUS?

“Your Religion Is Like Your Genitalia…”

A Christian tried to tell me, after I pointed out the absurdity of one of her religious post, that her faith was personal and worthy of respect, this was my response to her and all people of faith who imagine that their beliefs and chosen religion are personal and above criticism or mockery. ‘The truth is…., there is nothing personal about your Religion, Spirituality, or your relationship with God. You have accepted an Imperial...

Good Cop, Bad Cop, Oppressive Institution.

“I called the cops for beef that I had, they didn’t do a damn thing, telling me to calm down.  Getting red in the face and they threaten me with mace!” - Sadat X I just came across a Fb feed with some of our Black elders and intellectuals debating the issues of Police violence and “Black-on-Black” crime, some were arguing that we needed the police to protect us from crime and homicides.  SMH.   There seems to be...

Harriet Tubman is your potential replacement for Jackson on the $20

Harriet Tubman is your potential replacement for Jackson on the $20This shows you the absurdity of Integration and the Integrationist Ideology.  SMH. Would Jews celebrate putting Golda Meir on German Currency?  Did putting a Native American visage on the Buffalo nickel change shit for the Natives who are still under a genocide campaign, did it honor their heritage and centuries of resistance?  Did putting Malcolm X on a postage stamp do a...

The Reality of Chiraq.

The Reality of Chiraq.diallokenyatta: Chiraq is not an offensive title for South Chicago because it misrepresents our conditions, it is offensive because it is wholly accurate. Both South Chicago, Illinois and the nation of Iraq have some direct overlaps:1. They are two areas occupied by people living under a…

Snoop Dogg on Iggy Azalea and Macklemore: They Got Soul

Snoop Dogg on Iggy Azalea and Macklemore: They Got Soul“I heard it was said that a pimp will sell his ass if his hoe won’t.” - Freddie Foxxx Thanks yet again Snoop. ‪#‎NNSEP‬ ‪#‎CultureBandits‬‪#‎ShitHop‬‪#‎ShitPop‬‪#‎ModernDayMinstrels‬ ‪#‎CoonTrain‬‪#‎WeSickBoss‬

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