What did the Atheist say when the Christian asked him about the after life?

The Matter of Black Lives.

There’s something the Black community, and the larger African Diaspora needs to realize at this moment, while we are yet again made acutely aware of the atrocities committed by the Police against us everyday, all across this nation. What we have to realize is that the Racism, and homicidal violence committed by the Police against the Black community is not isolated.  I’m not talking about isolated in the sense that it’s a few...

How Does a “Social Justice” Movement Garner the Support of the Unjust?

I wish the Gay rights movement would share with all the other Social Justice Movements in the US today; just how do you garner the support of Multinational corporations, how do you manage to garner the support of some of the most regressive and imperialist politicians in the US? I mean damn!  We have corporations that suppress workers rights, that exploit Third World slave labor, corporations that rape the lands and natural resources of the...

“I Don’t Get Discouraged…”

I don’t get discouraged when shortsighted ‪#‎NewNegros‬ say that there’s no chance of getting the masses of African people to abandon alien Gods, Dogmas, & Religions. I know in the distant past there were shortsighted Europeans & Arabs who believed that they would never be able to get masses of Africans to abandon African Gods & Goddesses, the worship of our Ancestors, and nature based Spirituality, but they pulled...

“My Hate is Exclusive…”

I had a couple of Muslim Brothers recently accuse me of hating Muslims.   Then they even went on to state that I, me, Diallo Kenyatta “hates Muslims,” Christians, and Religious people in general. I can understand how someone could reach such a conclusion, if that someone has below average reading comprehension skills, or if they are so strongly indoctrinated in their chosen faith that they deem any criticism or rejection of their...
Wow, what wonderful lessons and levels we get to observe in this video Black folks. The first lessons is obvious to us, White Aggression at the hands of cops, we don’t even have to deal with that. The second lesson is White Liberalism; the passengers, the guy who taped the abuse, peep them.  Notice how they sat silent during the abuse, but as soon as the goon came back to inflict more abuse and threats the sat silent.  The White...

University Cancels Common As Commencement Speaker

University Cancels Common As Commencement SpeakerAs H. Rap Brown stated; oppressive conditions, ill treatment, and brutality make Revolutionaries, not other Revolutionaries. So Common could never be swayed back to his “Senses” by the mocking from the Black community or even rejection of him and his ‪#‎NewNegro‬ views by the Black community; but rejection, public humiliation at the hands of those he’s extended a Hand of...

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