Wake Up #BillBoosters!

I’m sick of this non-issue when we have real shit to deal with; but I guess there’s opportunity to learn in all things. I’m disappointment that many of the people I respect are Bill Boosters, I’m seeing otherwise respectful and articulate men make Rape jokes, attack women who may or my not be victims, attack and accuse all women of wanting to bring Black men down or supporting the System in doing so, there are even...
Black capitalism, black against itself. The silliest contradiction in a long train of spineless, mindless contradictions. Another painless, ultimate remedy: be a better fascist than the fascist. Bill Cosby, acting out the establishment agent — what message was this soul brother conveying to our children? I Spy was certainly programmed to a child’s mentality. This running dog in the company of a fascist with a cause, a flunky’s...

On White-On-White Violence, and How White People Don’t Stick Together…

The Bill Cosby Tabloid Scandal and Sex Crimes allegations have been a crash course for me on the depths of the ‪#‎NewNegro‬ level of self-deception and Mentacide. I have to thank Bill when I get a chance, he’s provoking many self-rejecting and self-hating members of our community to Self-Expose. ‪#‎NNSEP‬ One of the myths that the New Negros have brought back to the surface is that “Black people don’t stick...

Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: US Opens Up to Cuba.

In the 1960s when the US started making concessions to the Black internal Subjects of it’s Empire (aka: African-Americans), there were many interesting factors at play. Africa was decolonizing because the Western powers couldn’t hold them after the orgy of White-on-White violence we’ve come to call World War II, Latin America was also heavily flirting with Communism and Socialism after decades of direct Imperial imposition and...
A Criminal is a Rebel with an Individual, Materialistic Goal. A Revolutionary is a Rebel with a Collective, Ideological Agenda. I will work with our brothers (and sisters) to make that turn. Diallo Kenyatta

On the Rikers Island Prision Report….

The Justice Department is suing New York City and Rikers Island for ongoing abuses against (Black) teens incarcerated there. (http://www.nytimes.com/…/08/05/nyregion/05rikers-report.html) I worked on Rikers Island for 3 years, in the prison infirmary and I saw first hand abuses, physical and psychological torture. I once overheard Corrections Officers joking about turning high powered hoses on inmates as they were locked in their cells....

Do you think Black males can have privilege in a white supremacist society, and do you believe sexism existed in pre-colonial African culture?

Yeah, Black males can have privilege in a White Dominated, (not Supremacist, ain’t nothing Supreme about Genocide, Domination, Ecocide, Theft, ect.; so we call it Domination, not Supremacy)…White Dominated Society, they can have whatever privilege Whites are willing to grant them for the extent of time Whites are willing to grant them, and within the limitations that Whites are willing to grant them.  Unfortunately, this society ain’t too...

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