Thoughts on the 2 officer killed in NY?

It was not a political, organized, tactical, or Revolutionary act; if it occurred in a moment that was not so inflamed by the recent cluster of publicized police atrocities (and “publicized” is important because there are daily police, and other State agent atrocities committed everyday); if it had not occurred in this current climate it would have been spun as the actions of a deranged man considering his shooting of his...
Sin is not what you do, but the spirit in which you do it. ???I used to say this all the time, but I don’t remember where I got it.

Real Gangsters, and the Plantation Origins of Black Gangstas.

Today, the real Gangsters are called Statesmen, Senators, Executives, etc.; and now they use their media holdings to promote the myth that Black youth are Gangstas, or the embodiment of Gangsterism. Like Del Jones said, “real Gangsters don’t wear sneakers!” Real Gangsters don’t wear Bling, they own the gold and diamond minds, the freight and shipping companies that transport the gold and diamonds from our Motherland to...

On Buying Black & Supporting Black Businesses….

We need to progress beyond Supporting Black Businesses and Buying Black, it is an obsolete and counterproductive mandate. Please, hear me out if you have not blocked me already for that statement. If you still don’t agree, then you can block me after you read this. Now, the “Support Black Businesses” started way back in the Marcus Mosiah Garvey Era, and rose up out of his United Negro Improvement Association. It was fully...

On “Niggerization” and White Aggression…

There’s something we need to understand that I think too many of us miss. When it comes to White Aggression, Oppression, and Subjugation; Black people are just a placeholder. I’m sorry, I know we like to think we are special, when it comes to the attention and actions of Western Culture and White Domination, but, I’m sorry, we are not special or unique. So, what doesn’t that mean? Well, what I’m saying is that if...

Chris Rock Has Never Told a Homophobic Joke….

Chris Rock just did an interview with Terri Gross on NPR to promote his new movie “ Top Five.” (…/chris-rock-on-finding-the-line-between…) In that interview Terri accused him of perpetuating Gay Stereotypes and potentially fueling anti-Gay sentiments by suggesting that Gay Sex is “gross or unnatural.” Chris aggressively denied doing any such thing, and then proudly proclaimed “I’ve...

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