Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: The New Negro Uprising of 2014!

New Negros out here quoting Donald Sterling’s comments on the Black condition and Black behavior!?!? Really!?! As if there are not countless African Scholars and Revolutionist to read and quote! Fuck is wrong wit cha! They be thinking they saying something deep and profound when they quote that demented racist. WTF? Not to mention all these wealthy Black Minstrels coming out expressing their forgiveness of DS, and that goddamn church that...

Minstrels Speaking for Massa…

Goddammit, listen you muthafuckin New Negros!!!!!… There are Black political prisoners, Black exiles, Blacks who are falsely incarcerated, Blacks suffering atrocities, hell there are even corrupt Black Elite who get exposed all over this fucking World! In every single corner of the fucking World! So if you wanna use your prominent position as a Ball-Chaser, or as a Minstrel Entertainer to speak out, to ask for forgiveness for someone...

On the Oppressed…

The People get angry at you when you show hostility towards the institutions & conditions that oppress the People. If you intend to act on behalf of the People, or simply in you own personal interest against the System & Institutions of White Domination, or if you simply acknowledge the existence of such Systems & Institutions, prepare to be attacked as aggressively by other victims of oppression as you are by the oppressors....

Nope this blog the feds, you’re trying to lure some radical blakk people nope, too good to be true lol

maroonkwatakye: papaseanproductions: maroonkwatakye: diallokenyatta: No, I’m not the Feds.Yes I’m working to attract Radical Blacks to Revolutinary Pan-Africanism, and provide insights on the Struggle.The True-ness can be verified through research, the Goodness is subjective and for each reader to decide on their own. LMAO!  Lure them to what?  Cooperative Enterprises?  Political Empowerment?  Cultural Freedom?  If so, what is your...

American Liberty.

It cracks me up to see White folks in America talk about Liberty and Freedom, or their Constitutional Rights. Don’t them Hillbillys know how many people were subjected to genocide, enslaved, legally expelled from their lands, lynched, robbed of their wealth, unjustly incarcerated, deprived of basic human rights and dignity under their beloved Constitution? Don’t they know their beloved Founding Fathers of the United States were...

How can the Pan African project be reconciled with the emergence of the new African and African American elite? In a capitalist system where money is the ultimate power, isn’t class at least as important, if not more important, than race for understanding the world? Isn’t this what the South African experience teaches us? After all, if you look at things like health statistics for the African elite, they are comparable to the elite in any Western country. Love to hear your take on this.

Pan-Africanism is not a “project” it is a fundamental way of seeing, and engaging the world, it is an ideology and a way of being There is no African Elite, I’ll post my video on the “Black Elite” for you to view below.  Essentially, what we mistakenly call the African Elite are simply well compensated servants of the true Elites.  True Elites have their own independent economies, armies, industry, and agendas.  The so-called Black...
Slavery and Colonization has oriented Africans all over the world to orient themselves according to what Whites are doing and thinking. We devote ourselves to humanizing them, to working to make sure they recognize our humanity, and to act humanely themselves. There is not one ideology, one religion, on position that Whites have conceived that Africans have not taken a position on in the last 500+ years. When we study them, and understand them...

What do you think about K Michelle’s critique of Iggy Azalea for her use of a southern accent while rapping when she is not from the south but Australia?

I’m sorry, beyond that camel toe incident when she was performing in Chicago, I don’t know anything about K. Michelle or her views.As for as Iggy, she’s a typical Culture Bandit; just a corporate construction used to co-opt Black Culture and use it to promote Western Consumerism and Idiocy to the masses.  Whites will not stop appropriating Black culture, because if they didn’t their own cultures would shrivel and die,...

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