As far as God, and living for self; I think the concept of God and his acting in your life is the epitome of self-centerness. People believe that God saves them and helps them with their personal problems, but allow millions to starve, to be raped, and murdered; that is a pathological self-centeredness. Diallo Kenyatta

I Was Asked by a Man of God Where My Morality Came From…

My morality, and what is right is defined by my culture, history, and the purposed I have defined for my life. I understand that to live a life in service to Liberation is the best use of my time here. I do the things I do, not out of fear of any God, Hell fire, or because of the promise of paradise after I die. I do it because I understand that it is the best way to reach my full human potential. Ultimately, the most fundamental purpose of...
If your faith, religion, or spiritual system does not compel or mandate you to fight all forms of oppression, to destroy institutions that exploit people and the environment, to build a humane world for all; then I don’t need to hear shit else about your God, your religion, your faith, or your spiritual system; it’s worthless! Diallo Kenyatta

Stop Blackifying & Africanizing White Shit.

Stop trying to Blackify and Africanize White shit and erect your own shit from your own culture for your own interest and empowerment. ‪#‎BlackChristians‬ ‪#‎BlackMuslims‬‪#‎BlackHebrews‬‪#‎BlackAtheist‬ ‪#‎BlackCapitalist‬‪#‎BlackGreeks‬‪#‎BlackDemocrats‬‪#‎BlackConservatives‬‪#‎BlackFeminist‬‪#‎BlackLGBTQs‬‪#‎BlackAnarchist‬ ‪#‎BlackLibertarians‬...

On Black Male Feminist.

There is a crop of Black men who simply adopt Feminist terminology and rhetoric, and assert that they have fulfilled their obligation to Black women and their struggle. I’ve encountered a few of these chumps over the last few days, some cat said I was “Manplaining,” when I was giving my analysis of Feminism and it’s impact on the Black community. Another dude implied that if you are not (blindly, and uncritically)...


#WhiteCulture has tried to pass its brutality off as brilliance, & its domination off as supremacy, & techno-savagery off as civilization. — Diallo Kenyatta (@diallokenyatta) October 16, 2014

Black Gays Getting Played….Just Like the Rest of Us.

Now that the Gay Rights Movement has secured the right to openly serve in the US military, to end formal discrimination in housing and the workplace, and Marriage equality; White gays are now back to focusing on being White. NPR reported this week that White gays vote their “economic interest” above all other issues since the US Supreme Court has thrown it’s full support behind Gay Marriage. There are even prominent Gay...

Understanding and Utilizing Black Power.

The Black community should never ask, or even be concerned if another Race/Community/Ethnicity hates us or wishes to do us harm; the only question is “is this Race/Community/Ethnicity in a position to do harm or exploit our communities?” If the answer is yes, then we address that vulnerability; whether or not that Race/Community/Ethnicity intends to act on that ability is totally irrelevant. “Power responses to all...

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