The Black woman is the fulcrum, as she goes so does the Race. Diallo Kenyatta

Media, Propaganda, and the Build Up to Genocide.

This is a Nazi movie poster for a film called: The Eternal Jew, it portrayed Jews as dirty, diseased, criminal, slum (ghetto) dwellers. The Nazis understood that they needed to dehumanize and criminalize the entire Jewish population in order to fully enact their genocidal campaign. They turned Jews into the ‘Menace to (German) Society.’ There were even affluent Jews who condemned the poor Jews in the ghetto for not living up to the...
drapetomedia: “He Who Pays the Piper…” #‎TheYouthAreTheTruth‬… Our youth will magnify and give back to us what we give them; for better or worse. Stop training up Human Resources for other Races to exploit and begin to cultivate young Black Revolutionaries who will retake the world.
This makes me think about Religion and the Human Mind. The Human’s greatest power is also its greatest weakness: the Mind. We can know something is unreal, we can consciously enter into a situation that we know is unreal, that has been verified as unreal, and proven in the past and many times over to be unreal; but, if we allow our minds to, they can make the unreal real to us and give us the same psychological and physical reactions to...

Street Harassment vs. “Tryna Holla.”

I posted a link and comment decrying Street Harassment, and more than a few Brothers have asserted it to be their “per-historic” right to chase women, or that I’m unjust calling men Sexist who try to “holla at women.” I though we were getting somewhere until the post was hijacked by Black Feminist. Brothers, many whom I would deem positive Brothers reveled how deep this issue is, and it’s need to be...

On Sexism, Feminism, and Healing the Wounds of Oppression.

Over the last few days I’ve had many Black males tell me that women should dress a certain way to avoid being cat-called or harassed in the street by men who are strangers to them. All I could think about reading these comments and in-boxed messages is how the fucking White people kept arguing that Trayvon Martin dressed like a “thug” and his hoodie is what provoked George Zimmerman to stalk and murder him. Then I tried to...
I find many that people confuse happiness with blissfulness (if we accept that old adage that Ignorance is bliss). If bliss is a state of ignorance, then it is derived from satisfying your base desires without knowing or caring about the consequences. Happiness is a byproduct of work, sacrifice, commitment, and service. Happiness is constructed, bliss is simply arrived at Diallo Kenyatta
God(s); the thousands of Gods from the past and present only existed in the imaginations and delusions of men’s minds. That is why every religion has given the world massive atrocities; because it feeds man’s delusions, and relieves him of the full responsibility of his actions; divine justification is a plague. Almost all tyrants, dictators, and mass killers had a divine calling. Diallo Kenyatta

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