The Black Feminist Dilemma

Black Feminist refused to admit that Feminism is about Gender Equality, that Feminist have been fighting since the Women's sufferage Movement for equal rights, opportunity, and pay with (White) men!   If they admitted that, then they'd have to admit that it would be absurd for Feminist to fight for equality with Black men cuz we ain't never had our human & civil rights fully actualized either, and for many Feminist, securing equality with...

Protocols for the Prevention of Gayafication!

Ladies, I got some really bad news for yall: Due to the insidious conspiracy constructed and carried out by the Gay Agenda, and supported by all of you women; to turn us Manly, Macho, Heterosexual Men men Gay by tricking us into compromising situations with Transsexuals; we are being forced to make serious adjustments in our Behaviors, and you CisHet women will be the ones who suffer! For our own safety, and to prevent us from being tricked...

Why Trump Will Be Triumphant & Obama Wasn’t….

Look at how Trump's base is holding his dumb ass to task, how they are on him every time he deviates from their agenda, when he falls short, when he tries to compromises with their political enemies. If you fucking Obamites acted like fucking Constituents instead of brain-dead Groupies I truly believe Obama could have been a great POTUS, he could have been another FDR. Yall praised Obama for trying to compromise with our political enemies. Yall...

What is the difference between Pan-Africanism and African Internationalism? Was Pan-Africanism attack on Garvey’s effort to unify Africa and African people? I just thought they were the same thing, different name?

As far as I know; the Uhuru movement came up with AI cuz they wanted their own isolated segment of the Struggle, its really just about branding and ownership….at the core, I’m sorry to say.I know about all the shit they came up with about Black Elites coming up with PA, but that’s utter bullshit. The Black Elites were the ones who had the time and resources to organize and hold conferences, the poor and working class Blacks didn’t...

Thoughts on the the Nate Parker controversy?

Which controversy? The rape allegations?His response (or lack thereof) to the rape allegations?The Tomification of an African Icon?A rift that emerged between Black Feminist & Black Puritans over Parker and his film?The absurd notion that seeing this film would spark…anything?Well, none of that really matter now since he’s gonna be outta the spotlight until he drops another movie or lands another role, so we’ll revisit it...

Why do you promote the idea that only whites are mass aggressors on other civilizations when for literally 2300 years Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa were overtaken back and forth by massive asian civilizations commiting slaving and genocide? It seems to me that any civilization once it becomes concentrated enough to brainwash itself with its own form of racialism or nationalism ends up this way and it’s only that western white civilization is the most recent example.

Oh hush, tryna disguise your White Deflection as a simple question.Don’t no fucking body “promote” shit about White people, we fucking live under White aggression, under the threat of nuclear annihilation, under the constant threat of war if we are not currently being invaded, bombed, occupied, or subverted by White people, White intelligence agencies, White armies, White mercenaries, by our own people who are trained, funded, and...

Brother Diallo, what are some films you found enlightening, important or even entertaining? You’ve made list of books everyone should read but you haven’t made one for films.

Just off the dome, this is what I’d recommend…Romero…Lumumba…The Harder They Come…the spook who sat by the door…Sarraounia…Kirikou & the Sorceress…Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron…Quilombo (which has the best soundtrack of any movie ever)….I’ll be posting more text, film, and article recommendations on my site :

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