Pan-African PSA: Holy Books & Their Believers.

The Bible, Koran, and all of the Holy Books are composed of Parables, Mythology, and Folklore; they are not Historical, Literal, or Factual!Parables are fictional stories that teach a lesson.Mythology is supernatural stories that explain otherwise unexplained or unexplainable phenomenon.Folklore are kinda like parables, but they have an element of fact or truth, they are often based on real historical events or real historical figures; but...

The Chruch of Batmanity.

I have no doubt that in the distant future, if the current Western Capitalist Elite fail in their attempt to make the world uninhabitable by complex life forms, some asshole will find a fossilized comic book in the ruins of the American Empire, and totally take that shit literally. This asshole will swear that Superman sent his only begotten son Batman, who was born of a murdered mother and father, to fight and die for the souls of man, because...
Jesus is whatever you want him to be, that’s the beauty of imaginary and fictional characters, they are easy and fun to manipulate. Diallo Kenyatta

“Power is the Ability to Define….”

Revers Racism : Putting your arms up to deflect or block their strikes.Terrorism : Actually striking them back.Dictatorship : Any form of rule besides White rule.Democracy : When they rule, no matter their numbers.Communism : Not allowing them to rape your resources.Primitive : Anything they can’t do or understand.Savage : A victim of their Savagery.Women : Male production units.God : See Mirror. Devil : See Others.Nature : Unexploited...

South Carolina Woman Calls Police After Learning Son Was Watching Adult Entertainment in Living Room

South Carolina Woman Calls Police After Learning Son Was Watching Adult Entertainment in Living RoomZero tolerance. One of the first life lessons I learned was; “we don’t bring outsiders in to deal with family issues.” That lesson was supported by the understanding that; “if you gotta call the police on your own damn kidz, that’s a reflection of your failure not yo child’s.” These Integrated,...
This is the first shit I saw when I logged on this morning. If I remember correctly the last time our New Negro, Talentless 10th, Black Misleadership Class tried to organize a boycott it was against the show ‘Sorority Sisters’ a “reality show” about Black Greek life. Now the New Negros have a new mission, to boycott Black Jesus! As fucking if we ain’t go bigger fish to fry. If Jesus, or God (or as I like to call...

On Mass Indoctrination & Admiration of the Elite…

The masses don’t admire the rich because we appreciate hard-work, ingenuity, and stick-to-itiveness, not at all. We admire the rich because the public/private education systems have worked to systematically destroy our critical thinking ability, which leaves us without the ability to fully analyze and understand the parasitic nature of this economy, and where wealth comes from, and how it gets accumulated into the hands of the few. After...

Race is an Invention…but So Fucking What.

It cracks me up how Liberals, both White and Black love to say; “Race is an invention,” like that shit suppose to mean anything. Yeah, it’s an invention, so, what’s the fucking point, we can just ignore it, walk away from it, pretend that it no longer has an impact since Liberals have figured out that it’s an invention? The car is an invention, ignore them muthafuckas, go play on the highway and say that you will...

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