Why do you promote the idea that only whites are mass aggressors on other civilizations when for literally 2300 years Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa were overtaken back and forth by massive asian civilizations commiting slaving and genocide? It seems to me that any civilization once it becomes concentrated enough to brainwash itself with its own form of racialism or nationalism ends up this way and it’s only that western white civilization is the most recent example.

Oh hush, tryna disguise your White Deflection as a simple question.Don’t no fucking body “promote” shit about White people, we fucking live under White aggression, under the threat of nuclear annihilation, under the constant threat of war if we are not currently being invaded, bombed, occupied, or subverted by White people, White intelligence agencies, White armies, White mercenaries, by our own people who are trained, funded, and...

Brother Diallo, what are some films you found enlightening, important or even entertaining? You’ve made list of books everyone should read but you haven’t made one for films.

Just off the dome, this is what I’d recommend…Romero…Lumumba…The Harder They Come…the spook who sat by the door…Sarraounia…Kirikou & the Sorceress…Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron…Quilombo (which has the best soundtrack of any movie ever)….I’ll be posting more text, film, and article recommendations on my site soon.www.diallokenyatta.com : #BroDiallowww.africanworldorder.com...
Attica Massacre: Sept. 13, 1971. ?????? (at Attica Correctional Facility)

From A Pan African perspective where is civilization on the planet headed?

Civilization (As the West defines and imposes it) is headed towards collapse, total and permanent collapse; which is a good thing in the long run. Civilization literally means: More people occupying a territory than the local ecosystem can support. Civilized people are those people who can bring resources from beyond their territory, that’s all.  All that bullshit about culture, intelligence, peace, rationality, advancement, etc.; is...

I am still in the middle of reading The Iceman Inheritance, but I have some questions I’d like to ask as well as knowing what, if any, criticisms you have of the text. 1. Bradley states the African and the Asians succumbed to Europeans because of “advanced technology” the Europeans had. What technology is he speaking of? Also, he states that the Black Africans enslaved the Capoids, or South Africans much like we were enslaved. What do you know about this period in African history?

Bradley stated that “White Aggression” is the sole cause of their expansion and domination over all other Races. He also stated that Whites had no higher level of civilization, intellect, culture, or ideology, that gave them advantage over non-Whites, it was their aggression.  So, if you are concluding that he’s stated that White tech is why we succumbed you may be taking him out of context. He could be referring to a particular war of...

What did you say in your lost radio show? The one you didn’t record?

Shiiid, I wish I know, if I had that kinda recall I wouldn’t have to record the show. LOL!Sometimes you can catch the Fb Live recording of the show that didn’t get picked up by the janky recording equipment I use to record the audio of the show for the archives, here’s where you can find vids of the #BroDialloShow: Videos!I need better recording equipment, I also want to produce a TV program to compliment the radio show, plus a whole...

Is hate a good thing?

“If someone hates you, hate em back! It’s healthy!” - Del Jones“You Must hate your enemies.” - Che Guevara Hate is an emotion, I have warned against classifying any emotion as inherently good or bad.  Emotions are good or bad only based on how they are stimulated and responded to.If your hatred is stimulated because you fear someone’s skin color, or because you have accept some nonsense about your superiority over someone else,...

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