Apparently Muhammad Ali’s “IQ” is 78, which according to the measurement makes him barely above retarded. But, he was an articulate and charismatic man. He was also clearly a wise man who fought for social justice and stood up for oppressed people. I think IQ is a load of bullshit.

Yes, IQ is some Racist, Eugenicist, White bullshit.  I wasted a week or two of my life reading “The Bell Curve,” and even in that text they had to admit that IQ test were bullshit.  They pointed out that Jews in Nazi Germany routinely scored low on IQ Test, but in the US they routinely score high.  It’s like Mr. Gump said; “stupid is as stupid does,” and if you gotta high IQ but you out here creating technology or industries then...

Brother, I know you atheist, but would you be mad if there were a resurgence of African traditional faith and religions like Vodoun? I think the problem is that Vodoun isn’t all that structured and it’s been infiltrated and diluted by bullshit like Islam, especially in North Africa and Christianity I don’t know about Judaism but maybe that dogshit too. I know you would like everyone to be atheist, but human beings are not in our lifetimes going to fully abandon spirituality.

I have absolutely no issue with Africans embracing their own myths, folklore, dogmas, and fables.  You are correct that all Native African Spiritual Systems are contaminated by Western and Islamic ideologies and philosophies, and European Judaism/Zionism too.  I don’t think that all of humanity will every be Atheist, but I do think that we can bring about a reality where all Africans are governed by fully secular States, where we can greatly...

Diallo, some black guy on twitter went on a rant about how capitalism is the most productive system and how it’s not capitalism that’s the problem, it’s greed. he also said that all systems are corrupt and this corruption is greater in socialist communist countries and how those economies make everyone equally poor and mediocre. He also said if socialism communism is so great why are people from those countries migrating and rushing to come to the USA. Thoughts?

Tired old retorts.  Those aren’t that New Negro’s own views; he’s just regurgitating his indoctrination, it’s really no point in trying to debate such a terminal Negro.  Negros like that do make good “sound boards” however.  If you have others engaged in or observing the discussion then you can engage them in orders to expose and dismantle their indoctrination; but it will not change this fool’s position on the issue.  I...

Okay I read your piece on Alternative Lifestyle people and how the thieves of the world look at them. Of course I’m just summarizing what the piece was about, but that is not why I’m typing this message/question. I want to know 1 while I know that some of our people are “programmed” or “choose” to be active paparticipantsf an alternative lifestyle but how can you equate their “struggle” and “plight” with our systematic oppression? I have more questions but I’m out of characters

This is a little confusing, I have an alternative lifestyle: I’m Vegan, my wife and I home-birth and “home” school our children, we use bikes a a major form of conveyance, we grow much of our own food, we are atheist; there is so much about my family that separates us from the mainstream, we are alternative as fuck! LOL!But I don’t think you are talking about us, I suspect you are talking about Gay folks, the LGBTQ population, right?...

I know you have mentioned many times that their inherent death wish, constant violence, and the need to oppress and dominate in white culture means that if it wasn’t the African that white people oppressed, it would have been any other race. However, do you think white people actually envy the Black race and our different cultures in many ways? Even the way we look?

It certainly looks that way.  I think Jeru the Damaja put it best when he said: “mock my appearance yet yearn for my essence.”

Why do other races come to America and get Established within a few years? Are they aided by the government? They Build up communities and it seems as if they become millionaires over night make every Penny off the black community. Hair nail shop. Gas stations ect ect

It’s the nature of the Immigrant, no matter where they go to “establish” themselves.  No matter their Race.If you looks at Blacks from the US who move and live abroad they are more educated, affluent, driven, (social) mobile, than the “natives.”  Just look at the Black American immigrant populations in China, Ghana, Japan, the UK, etc.Some are aided by the government, some are not, it depends on which group you are referring to....

So is China the most successful communist party in history? Or is it not even communist at this point? So much confusing shit coming from the way that nation is governed and organized. Also, what can current and future revolutionaries learn from China?

China had a Communist Revolution which allowed China to oust the Imperialist, educate its population, and industrialize the nation, but it did not construct a Communist economy or political system.  This could not be achieved because all Communist and Socialist states come under immediate and unrelenting attack from the Capitalist Imperialist States of the West.  You can’t construct a Communist or Socialist State under duress or ongoing...

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