Were there class issues in pre-colonial Africa? If so, how did it shape the attitudes and actions of those on top of the hierarchy vs those at the bottom? Is there much of a difference today?

Africa is a massive continent, with hundreds of civilizations.  There are over 1500 distinct languages spoken there; the social and class stratifications were very diverse across nations and tribes as well.You have societies that were egalitarian and classless like the Twa, and you had nations that had strict class divisions like the Egyptians (or Khemites).  It’s hard to discuss Class in pre-colonial African because we will all fall back...
There is no such thing as senseless violence. When those in power call an act of violence “senseless,” that means the don’t want to you examine the causes and provocations for that violence. They also don’t want you to look into who will ultimately profit from that violence. Diallo Kenyatta

What are your thoughts on Muammar al-Gaddafi from a Pan-Africanist perspective?

Qaddafi was an opportunist, but a sincere opportunist; if such a creature is possible. He started off as a Libyan Nationalist, then he graduated to Pan-Arabism; and after he was rejected by the other Arab dictators and oligarchs (who sold out to the West for Oil Money), he eventually settled on Pan-Africanism (controlled by a Northern, Arab Occupied, African Nation).  Based on my research and observation, he was truly committed in all of his...

What are your general thoughts of the Jews returning to Their homeland? Is the formation of Israel fulfill Bible prophecy? Why are Palestinians so angry that they now have to share the land with its rightful owners?

There is no such thing as a Jewish homeland…., or a Christian homeland, or Islamic homeland.  There’s no legitimate Religions claim to any land.  Biblical prophecy is fiction, just like Koranic prophecy, and all religious prophecy.  So, no Israel is not a fulfillment of any prophecy.  Also, even if you delusional enough to believe in Gods and prophecies, the founding of the nation of Israel is still in contradiction of Jewish...
How many more times do we intend to call our people into the streets to do the same shit expecting a different outcome? Diallo KenyattaToo many Black activist think doing “something” is commendable in the Struggle, even if what you do is reactionary, ineffective, or reinforcing of the Status Quo.This is because most often activism and protest is about reliving immediate stress, distress, and pain and not about ending the causes of...

The Talk…

I’m so sick of hearing about “the talk” Negros claim they are giving their children about police. So sick. Talk to Black youth about the Systems and Institutions of White Domination and Capitalism. Make sure they understand the methods, motivations, and aims of those Systems better than our oppressors do. Talk to them about how every element of this system is predatory and Racist, and that the cops are just the frontline Status Quo...

Never Forget!

Why are descendants of enslaved Africans fighting to purge images and remembrance of the enslavement of our Ancestors?(http://www.cnn.com/…/yale-employee-shatters-window-images-…/)I think the truth of slavery should always be taught and exposed. I think lynching photos should be present in every Black home, every African child should sit with their parents and review those images. I think every atrocity that has been committed against us...
They want you to suffer peacefully Malcolm X

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