Hotep do you believe in the curse of Ham?

The real Curse of Ham is Obesity, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Coronary Artery Disease, Colon Cancer, and a host of dietary Parasites.So, “get off the swine and get refined,” and Go Vegan.Pigs are intelligent creatures, they are not human food.

How does one keep their sanity, knowing ALL of the issues plaguing the world. I’m a black woman, millenial, and at times it is overwhelming the issues that someone like me faces. Let alone everyone else. How do you relieve stress?

Organize, Organize, Organize.Everyone from Fanon to Ture told us that engaging our Struggle, confronting our Oppression is the best way to no only hasten the end to our Oppression, but to sustain our sanity as we navigate our Oppression.  Beyond that there’s dancing, good sex, exercise, live affirming (conscious) music, art, theater, reading, healthy diet, hydration, a vibrant and engaged social circle; and other activities and pursuits that...

Brother Diallo, I know you mention how not every white person is bad, but I think that all white people are the enemy. There are enough evil white people so that it puts every black person in mortal danger, even the bootlicking coons. As Public Enemy said, cant trust it.

Man, you bout to have me on the next Coon Train vid with these questions.  When I said “all White peoples ain’t bad,” you have to put it in the context of the question that was being posed.  It was a question about individuals relating to other individuals.  Not culture vs culture, nation vs nation, race vs race.Generally, the goodness or badness of any individual White person is totally irrelevant to our analysis of the Systems and...

Can one truly be a Pan-Africanist or “pro-black” and have a non African/black as a significant other? Pro-black on political issues but not pro-black when it comes to choosing a wife or a boyfriend?

Yes you can be a Pan-Africanist or “pro-Black” and have a non-African/Black as a significant other.  I don’t know about the pro-Black “when it comes to choosing a wife or a boyfriend,” I’ve never had a non-Black wife or boyfriend.” LOL! (I’m know I’m going to regret making that little joke.)I think Kwame Nkrumah, Franz Fanon, Frederick Douglass, Cheikh Anta Diop, Amiri Baraka; and a few others settled that argument a...

But Robert Mugabe says the Chinese are better than the Europeans. Africa is destined to always be colonized by other people. It’s called the curse of Ham

LOL! That’s funny since African has spent the least amount of time under colonization of most other occupied lands.  We have a very limited historical memory because Western colonization has erased almost 90% of human history and civilization from the text books and common knowledge.  That’s cool though.You can run with that Curse of Ham shit, Whites have depended on that myth to both excuse their countless atrocities against Africans,...

What do you think of the Uhuru movement?

I’ve been asked about my thoughts on Chairman Omali before and I kinda addressed it there.I’ve worked with some members who were establishing or expanding a chapter here on the South Side of Chicago, their members are well educated, I’d even say professional organizers; and that’s commendable.  Professionalism is a rarity among activist/organizers/radials, many shun structure and protocol when it comes to the work.  They were...

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