diallo, we need your guidance. please post something today if you can.

White Aggression is a constant, these Systems and Institutions they’ve created do ongoing and Ominicidal violence day and night.  I think it’s unfortunate that we always wait for White Aggression to manifest locally to take notice; I don’t know if it’s escapism or willful ignorance on our part.Today, there are genocidal proxy wars all over the world funded and armed by the US, there are millions being tortured and murdered in US...

On Mothers “Stealing” Father’s Day.

Stop crying about single mothers who want to be acknowledged on Father’s Day, or people who wanna shout out their single mothers on Father’s Day!  It’s all empty Bullshit anyway, Damn. We fighting each other over how to properly observe Western Whole-Lie-Daze?  WTF? It’s bad enough we got Blacks beating the shit out of each other over whether White Jesus or Arab Mohammad had the real path to Heaven.  We still arguing...

Support Who’s Troops?

There is no practical or historical reason for any citizen or subject of the US to “support the military,” or “our troops.” When and where you find anyone in awe of the military, who call the troops heroes, you will find a person who is a case study in the successful execution of propaganda and indoctrination. The local trash man does more to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones than any solider in the US...

Lame Duck: Obama, the TPP & Fast Track Trade Authority

#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ Obama didn’t get Fast Track Trade Authority for his TPP negotiations. LoL. Not only does this sully his overall political legacy, which is mediocre at best, it also fully solidifies his Lame Duck status. Also, losing Fast Track for the TPP means Obama has lost favor with both the Democratic Party establishment and the mainstream Liberal Whites.  Damn! The Black Far Left never support Obama, he lost the rest of...

On Hood Fight Vids & Black Shaming

I swear, I keep seeing all of these Hood fight videos, followed by a barrage of negative comments bout Black youth and Black people in general. Maybe I need start posting drone bombing aftermath videos, or Mountaintop removal mining videos, or Clear cutting videos, or the endangered species list and see if Black people will go in on White people, multinational corporations, the wealth investors, or other groups of people who have a direct hand...

On Morality & the Black Condition

#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ All these New Negros and Black Puritans who keep telling the Black community that we suffer the way we do because we are so immoral, because we lack values, and because we don’t have unity always seem to over look the fact that those with all the fucking power, those who oppress the world, those who control the world’s wealth and resources are the most immoral, corrupt, and backstabbing muthafuckas on the...

It’s Bigger than Rachel Dolezal

If ‪#‎Dolezal‬ had pretended to be Gay and led a LGBTQAI organization…if she pretended to be Jewish and led a Jewish organization…if she pretended to be an Atheist and led an Atheist organization…if she pretended to be a Vegan and came to lead PETA…or deceived any White sub-community or organization there would be universal outrage and denunciations. But since the Black community in General, and Black women...

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