When you consume meat you consume the world’s ecosystems, you are consuming the very life sustaining capacity of the planet, you are eating the fucking future and leaving nothing for the children. That’s some selfish shit. Diallo Kenyatta

Human Parasites.

I’ve taken the Food Safety certification classes in three different states (NY, MO, and IL) and the whole damn course is about the many dangers, parasites, diseases, and contamination of meat, dairy, and milk.   This society has to expend so much effort and resources to make animal flesh and their bodily fluids edible for humans, from using mass amounts of antibiotics to irradiating the meat, to using synthetic dyes and strong toxic...

Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find – Telegraph

Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find - TelegraphScientists at the University of California discovered that the human body views red meat as a foreign invader and launches an immune response Meat consumption provokes a toxic immune response when you eat it, which leads to the production of antibodies, which leads to inflammation, which sends you down the path of carcinogenic mayhem. That’s because...

Meat Eaters Can Be Such Fucking Crybabies.

The topic I hate dealing with the most is diet. If you think people get emotional…, and irrational about their ideologies then just try to get them to critically think about their food; they will flip on your ass quick. I commonly provoke everyone from Christians, Black Misogynistic Puritians who try to pass themselves off as Black Nationalist, Feminist, etc., but the one thing I hate confronting most is Black folks and our addiction to...

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