#GiveThemBackTheirGods #DEvangelize #AfricanGodsOnly #GodDispel ??
Tag: africangodsonly
I been spending the DEvangelical God-Dispel for a while now. #GiveThemBackTheirGods #DEvangelize #AfricanGodsOnly #BroDiallo✊
I keep warning people about worshiping jealous and vengeful Gods that like to play hide-and-seek, demand unearned loyalty and constant praise. God (as portrayed in the Bible) acts like an child who has omnipotent power, but really needs a nap. Diallo Kenyatta
Listening to Black adherents to Alien Religions (Islam, Christianity, Judism) tell me about the “African origins” of their religions is like listening to a deranged woman married to a no account, abusive man, who’s robbing her blind, and molesting her children, tell me about “how goodah man he used to be” when they first met. Like that fucking matters now, like it matters to her children how goodah man he was before...
White Christianity is a Political Institution, Black Christianity is a Social Club. Arab Islam is an Engine of Nationalism, Black Islam is Submission. White Judaism is a Business, Black Judaism is Escapism. Diallo Kenyatta
The Insecure Caveman & the Creation Myth.
Some insecure Neanderthal who had absolutely no understanding of Human Reproduction, Fertilization, or Fetal development; saw the women around him giving, sustaining, and nurturing life. He thought to himself; “with all of my physical strength, all my ability to kill, I can’t produce life!” So, in his feeble mind, he wanted to bestow upon himself the ultimate power, which isn’t to take life but to give life. Lacking...
Find Me One…
Find me one Asian, European, Arab, or Native American nation where the majority of the population worship Obatala, Egun, Ra, Maat; or any other African God or spiritualist System. Show me a population of non-African people where, when you say the word God to them, an image of a Black man or Black Woman pops into their heads. Where they have Black gods on their walls, where all things Good and Pure are associated with the color Black. Show me a...
“Your Religion Is Like Your Genitalia…”
A Christian tried to tell me, after I pointed out the absurdity of one of her religious post, that her faith was personal and worthy of respect, this was my response to her and all people of faith who imagine that their beliefs and chosen religion are personal and above criticism or mockery. ‘The truth is…., there is nothing personal about your Religion, Spirituality, or your relationship with God. You have accepted an Imperial...