A Black Social Experiment…

Black people have been Trained/Brutalized/Manipulated to see it as negative to act, think, or even speak in the exclusive support of Black people or in our interest. For other Races, who’ve never been, or liberated themselves from colonization it is considered not just common sense, but a National duty to consider their People’s interest above all else and to inflate the positive over the negative when reflecting on their history...

Black Music: From Liberation to Commodification.

During Chattel Slavery our ancestors sang songs of liberation, coded songs that would help guide those who were daring enough to take the risk to freedom in the North, or deeper South. Songs like Wade in the Water & Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd. These songs were sang through the Slave Quarters, and in the fields, and wherever you found enslaved Africans. Today, as I live in my (poor Black) community, and visit Hoods all over the US I...
I was really pissed off when KRS-One did the voice over for this commercial. The BlastMaster actually said “the Revolution is about Basketball & Basketball is the truth,” while speaking over Gil Scott-Heron’s “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” track. I couldn’t believe my ears, I even felt betrayed as a long time student, not fan but student of “the Teacha.” How could he do such a thing?!?...

A Window of Opportunity…

As the Donald Sterling controversy winds down and we await the next Atrocity or Racist Incident to hit the corporate media, can we use that gap in Black Reactionary Excitement to do some rational planning and organizing for fundamental Liberation and Empowerment? The people who are willing to sit at the table and take it to the streets when the corporate media isn’t whipping them into a frenzy are the ones you want at the table. You can do...

Rules of Engagemet: “Smack Me & I’ll Smack You Back.”

I don’t teach my sons to only not hit women, but to not hit or harm men, animals, or the personal property of others, I even teach them to avoid harming insects…. …unless that man, woman, animal, or insect becomes a threat to them, or to those you are responsible for, then I instruct them to exert the needed amount of force to end/subdue/balance the violent or harmful situation. Removing a person’s right of self defense...

The Black Lumpen.

The US, since the end of the Civil Rights era has successfully created what Dr Claud Anderson calls; “a permanent Black underclass.” The US economy has entered it’s 4th-5th decade with a large population of unneeded Black workers, and has yet to offer anything more then false promises of employment if our youth jump through all the hoops, or mass incarceration as the youth enter the “underground economy.” Blacks...

Some Questions for Believers.

If the Bible is the word of the Almighty, All-Knowing, Perfect God, how can man misrepresent, manipulate, edit, distort, and even misinterpret The Word? There are hundreds of Versions of the Bible, there are collections of deleted Books of the Bible, there are thousands of denominations based on the Bible, and millions of contradicting interpretations of the Bible. God is even incapable of properly managing his image, he has been shown as...

The N-Word Treaty of 1956.

I don’t blame these White kids for this, I blame whatever Black folks are in their vicinity. You see, these White kids have been deprived the “routine Ass-Whoopins” they require whenever they cross “the Color-line,” that we established with the N-Word Treaty of 1956. Our ancestors negotiated a treaty that stated White folks could think Ni@@a all they wanted, and could even say the world in closed, all-White...

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