Wow, I so appreciate this guy’s honesty; so much truth in this short segment. He articulated that… 1. Bring “bright,” (aka: intelligent) makes you dangerous to the Church, Religion, and the very concept of God. 2. It often (more often than not) requires threats and violence to bring some one to De Lort. Every Black person praying to an Alien God or holding to an Alien Religion has dealt with both of these issues...

Shots Fired! J. Prince Threatens Diddy, Suge Knight, Lil Wayne & Birdman On Behalf of Drake – Word On Da Street

Shots Fired! J. Prince Threatens Diddy, Suge Knight, Lil Wayne & Birdman On Behalf of Drake - Word On Da StreetWhen the Minstrel Performing, Buck Dancing, Cooning, Ball Chasing, and Shining got boring for the Plantation Maters and Staff they’d provoke fights and conflicts among the enslaved Africans.  No matter really, there’s profit for the Owners in the labor, performing, and fighting of the enslaved population. Who’s up...
Africans have been having sex and creating emotional bonds longer than any other Race on this planet so it’s crazy that we fucking with St. Valentine and Romanticism when it comes to Black Love, Sex, and Intimate Relationships. Diallo KenyattaWhy I don’t recognize Valentine’s Day, or try to be Romantic. 

Why do black folk use the term romantic when discussing, love and things of that nature? We are not european romance peoples.

We do that because we don’t think too deeply about it.  If we though more deeply about it, I think most would make an adjustment, but if we though more deeply about most things we’d make a lot of adjustment concerning a lot of things. Romantic Love, like most things coming out of (Western) Romantic Culture is absurd at best and deadly at its worst, as far as Black people are concerned.The real tragedy is that we have a rich cultural...

Thoughts on Chris Hedges? You read his article about how Malcolm X is right about America?

I think people should listen to Chris Hedges, he has some great insights, but I don’t agree with his positions on Violence, and Non-Violence.  I also think he’s a sucka for attacking the “Far Left,” or Leftist Radicals like the Revolutionary Communist, Black Block Anarchist, and Deep Green Resistance.His attempts to be “balanced,” and point out the issues on the White Left simply feed the Omnicidal Elites and...

I don’t like being a miserable racist sob, I’m mad at my dad for raising me this way. I’m too old to become a hipster Neo racist. A nice Black African couple suggested I live in Africa for a couple of years, to get away from all the racist influence that bombards Amerikka. It would be a good culture shock to get me out of that (dis)comfort zone, and I would see that a Black society is better than this white hell here. A race war is gonna break out. I’ve never wanted to hurt blacks,

First, that “Black African” couple was dead ass wrong, don’t go to Africa, you will learn nothing.  White people been invading African and colonizing Africa for centuries and ain’t learned shit, at least not shit about being humane and less racist anyway.If you have some resources then hand them over to an organization that’s doing positive work.  Better yet, work among your own people who are opposing Capitalism,...

Thoughts on the stock market and do you have any money in stocks?

In reality, the Stock Market means different things for different classes of people, to the poor it’s meaningless, to the lower middle-class a spectator sport, to the middle-class it is relevant, they have a stake but no agency in the stock market, to the rich it is a playground, a casino, to the Global Elite it is a tool to manipulate and disciple the rest of the population.It is a Temple of Capitalism, an there is much mythology...

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