What do you think of these radical muslims that shot up Charlie in Paris because the cartoonist offended them by insulting the prophet Mohammed. They avenged this disrespect by murdering harmless cartoonists? Islam is a religion of war. What do muslims have against satire and free speech? They don’t have any sense of humor. France needs to ban immigration of Muslims

First off, there wouldn’t be so many non-French, or non-Europeans in France (or the Rest of Europe) if France (and most other Western European nations) did not embark on an orgy of Invasion, Rape, Torture, Theft (of land, labor, resources, culture, and people), Colonization, and General Disruption of nations of the Third World; from Haiti, to Algeria, to Vietnam, just to name a few.  Arabs, Africans, and Asians ain’t moving to France...

Say you encounter some new negro and he or she says, all human beings are the same and that if europeans aint did what it did across the world, Africans would have done the same things. How would you respond?

Shit, I’ve encountered this very New Negro on way too many occasions. With the first assertion, bout all human beings being the same, I wouldn’t try to dispute him, because he’s not really talking about “all human beings” he’s really only talking about himself.  See, the New Negros refuses, or simply cannot see any distinction between themselves and their oppressors, they seek to be one with them, and fight...
“We’ve paid a hell-of-a-cost, but I don’t think we’ve paid enough of a cost.” - Del Jones
JAY Z is under the impression that it’s “very difficult” to teach White youth to be Racist if they listen to him and other Rappers like Snoop Dog. SMH. Like a White kids is gonna be all like; “I used to think Black people were sub-human until I saw Snoop Dogg walking those two Black bitches on a lease at that one award show.” Jay Z imagines that Black folks dancing in the club with inebriated White folks while...

Annoying Visit to a White Suburban Gun Shop.

I had to go all the way the fuck out to Bolingbrook, IL to find a location to buy a simple key to a trigger lock on a small caliber revolver! That’s because you can’t buy small plastic keys to trigger locks, you can’t buy trigger locks, you can’t buy guns, paintball guns, or even slingshots in the City of Chicago. Don’t you love how safe and gun violence free this city as a result of the many absurd bans and...
Just imagine if White folks felt as ashamed and outraged about their Elites invading, bombing, undermining other nations and killing millions of innocent people… as Black folks are ashamed and outraged about our youth fighting in malls and disrupting the Christmas Consumer Orgy. Hell, imagine if Black people turned their critical and unforgiving eyes towards their Oppressors and Enemies and away from our own damn children for a fucking...

Whites Going Green Will not Reduce Racism or Even Promote Justice. IJS.

Hitler was a Gay/Bisexual, Vegan, Animal Lover, Environmentalist, public health advocate who used Biofeuls to propel his missiles. Don’t allow the West’s apparent moves towards more Liberal Social policies and better Ecological practices fool you. Don’t think Obama’s Election, (seemingly) Liberal Policies, Bike Lanes, Farmers Markets, Urban Gardens, Organic Produce, Fair Trade Labels, Whole Foods in the Hood or any of...

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