In The Name of God(s).

To all you Religious Apologist; I don’t accept any of your arguments about how people who do corrupt and evil things in the name of your God or religion; “are not real ___________.” If you God and Religion has people doing evil under its name, then there are only 3 possibilities: 1. Your God condones the acts of corruptions and evil done in His Holy Name. 2. Your God is powerless to stop the acts of corruption and evil done...

On Pan-Africanism & Anti Pan-Africanism…

I’m done debating the merits of Pan-Africanism, but I welcome struggle around the methods. I look forward to any criticism of Pan-Afrcanism, any analysis that seeks to refine and strengthen Pan-Africanism. I know Pan-Africanism is not perfect or the sole solution for all African problems; so it must be constantly dissected, examined, and reworked. Revolutionary Ideologies often require internal Revolutions, I accept all of that, and have...

The Racist Government Giveth & the Racist Government Taketh Away.

What now Integrationist, do we get out in front of them water hoses and police dogs again, (but under Obama it will be water-boarding and drones)? Do we pray harder than they prayed 50 years or so ago? Do we march till our feet are raw? Do we appeal to the Good Whites to once again dictate to us,…I’m sorry I mean help us outta this mess? Do we further isolate from each other, and join the Darwinist, Winner-Take-All drag race for...
We brag about how we survived slavery, when we should be bragging about how slavery didn’t survive us. Diallo Kenyatta

Easter: Tortured Saviors & Chocolate Bunnies:

If God was real, I mean really real, and he really stood by that whole “no Gods before me,” (Exodus 20:3) stuff every single one of you Easter celebrating Christians would be zapped as you strutted to Church in your fancy (sweatshop manufactured) Easter outfits. Even if you the most ignorant Christan in the world you gotta know something is up with the whole rabbits, eggs, and sweet candies being tied to a tortured, mutilated, and...

On Black Party Politics…

Our issues are not grounded in politics, that’s why we never find solutions in politics. We can elect all the Black “representatives” we want and still find no real solutions for the Black community. In the 70s, 80s and 90s we elected Black mayors in every major city in the US from LA to New York; and those Black mayors oversaw the explosion of Black poverty rates, the disintegration of both the Black family and what little...

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