Under capitalism any and everything is a commodity, any and everything can be sold if there is a profit to be earned. The only question that a capitalist ask is: can I make money at it, if the answer is yes, then the capitalist will do it. The only thing the capitalist wants is MORE. “White (Capitalist) are the only people in the world who had to pass a law making it illegal to work their own children to death!” - Del Jones

The Good War.

The Allied Forces of WWII were not in a war to simply defeat the Nazis and the Axis Forces, it was a competition to decide who will carry forward White Global Domination. The Nazis wanted open White Domination, whereas the Allied Forces wanted to dominate through subterfuge. WWII was not a war between two opposites, it was not a conflict between Good and Evil, it was a conflict in methodology, it was a struggle between two kindred systems to...

On Black Male Effeminization…

I think the issue of the effeminization of Black males is a Red Herring for the De-Africanization of all African people. I was wondering how we could oppose the effeminization of Black males without degrading femininity or lowering femininity below masculinity, and that’s not possible in a Western Cultural context.

I sometimes wonder….

What were our ancestors in Egypt were preoccupied with on the eve of the Greek/Roman/Arab onslaught of their lands and the disintegration of their Empire? What the Great African nations were doing at the moment the first Trade/Slave/Battle Ships were leaving the manufacturing docks and pulled into the Bays in Europe? What was the primary preoccupation of the average African citizen of those nations? We know what the Romans were doing as their...

For Africans: Submission Corrupts, not Power.

White/Western Culture views a just and balanced society living in symbiotic harmony with nature as a utopian pipe dream. They have brutalized those cultures who mange to actually build just and balanced civilizations into rejecting their heritage as utopian as well. This is the ultimate tragedy of Global White Economic and Cultural Domination, it has convinced the non-White world that we can do no better than the West in the constriction and...
We didn’t know (White people) back then, and we don’t know them now.  - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
If a White man wants to lynch me that’s his problem, if he has the POWER to lynch me, that’ s my problem. by Kwame Ture. We need to deal with the power dynamic, and to hell with how any individual White feels about us.

To my Dear Black Christian Brothers and Sisters:

As much as I opposed Christianity, and African’s submission to this colonial religion of enslavement I wish that if Black folks gon play Christianity that they’d play Christan correctly. Christianity is a religion of conquest! Let me say that again…. CHRISTIANITY IS A RELIGION OF CONQUEST!!! That’s goes for Eastern Orthodox, Catholics, and the various Protestant Sects (that Black folks are so fond of). All of them are...

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