Obama’s election doused all flames of rebellion and reform that were sparked by the rampant corruption and incompetence of the Bush Administration. Obama did this while not only refusing to reverse the criminal policies of the Bush Administration, he pacified the masses while surpassing the crimes and corruption of the Bush Administration. Obama’s election is a case study in Machiavellian Politics, Tokenism, and Mass Propaganda. If...
It’s stupid to accept what your oppressor tells you about themselves, it’s suicidal to accept what your oppressor tells you about yourself; the Black community takes everything the oppressors says as gospel. Diallo Kenyatta
You ever wonder why the New Negros who make these flyers or attend these parties don’t ever use Robert F. Williams, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, or any other of King’s Black Nationalist contemporaries images in the same manor? I know people will think that it’s because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, but it goes much deeper than that. If you look at the imagery it shows items that are identified with success in the...

King’s Dream…

Dr. King was warned by Kwame Ture and Malcolm X against seeking integration with a system without calling for an end to imperialism and capitalism. King was told that seeking legal Reform of discrimination laws instead of organizing for Pan-African Revolution would drive Black people towards the worst aspects of the culture we were seeking to integrate with. So when I see this, I have to conclude that it is the fulfillment of King’s...

Remembering WWI & 100 Years of Western Domination & Ritulized Mass Murder (1914-2014)

WWI (World War, 1914-1918) Started 100 years ago. What’s make WWI historical is not scale of the war, Europeans had been engaged in mass and ongoing slaughters for centuries prior to 1914. WWI such a major event in European history is that it was the first war that was supported by industrial production. It was the first mechanized, mass produced, and modern capitalist, Imperial war. Death on an industrial scale. This war set the tone for...

White History Month.

I’ve spent the last year focusing on African issues, culture, history, and challenges. I’ve been giving priority to my culture, my people values, and how to move African people forward, but now it’s almost February, so you know what that means. As stated last February, I was gonna designate the shortest, coldest month of the year as White History Month. I will only be reading books by White authors, focusing on shit White folks...
Brothers, please listen. Before you have sex with or impregnate a woman, make sure she has at lease two qualities.1. She is not too damaged by the Systems of White Domination. 2. She is not too dependent on or trusting of the Systems of White Domination. Everything else is workable, but those two are not. If you don’t want Family Court judges dictating your relationship with your children, and by extension your entire life, you better...

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