Ecology Over Economy.

Notice how you always hear New Negros talk about economic responsibility, but they seem to lack any concept of ecological responsibility.As the Whites Negros emulate prepare for a world ravaged by climate change, extreme wealth events, ecological collapse, peak oil, and extreme and unstable global temperatures; they still have the Integrationist Negros trying to gain full inclusion into the obsolete industrial and service economies.  Instead of...

Revolutionary Pan-Africansim: Secure Power & Redirect History.

Just look at… -the Rise of Islam and the Arab Onslaught -the European Emergence and the “Age of Exploration.” -the Imposition of the Global Slave Economy -the 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions -WWI & WWII -the Decolonization Era -the Space Race -the COINTELPRO Era of Leftist Subversion -the Emergence of Nuclear Armed Global Superpowers - Globalization of the Global Capitalist Economy & Globalization - the Unipolar...
The White Racist Domestic Terrorist of today will be the White Folk Hero of Tomorrow.#AndrewJackson#AbrahamLincoln#GeneralLee#JessieJames#AlCapone#GerogeZimmerman The list is endless.

Obama’s Selective Sympathy.

Obama told the nation that we should all mourn an act of gun violence, and said that such acts are not acceptable. He was not talking about one of the numerous gun homicides occurring in his back yard, or any of the thousands killed all over Africa with guns exported from the US. He was referring to shots fired in Overland Park, Kansas; one of the richest (& Whitest) zipcodes in the nation. Are you New Negros gonna tell them victims in OP KS...

BULLSHIT! Ghetto has both a Color & an Agenda.

Ghetto (in the US) has both a color and an agenda; Ghetto is a precursor to concentration and genocide. This image is not Ghetto, it is an image of the White Underclass, who are not Ghetto. The White Underclass IS exploited, but NOT oppressed, the White Underclass has a defined role in the White Power Structure, from Overseers on plantations, to Military Infantry (aka Fodder) for imperial wars. They also have a certain amount of power and share...
“Nigger.”This is a short documentry I appeared in a decade ago, I first saw it a few months ago.  A young Brother strolled into my bookstore and asked if he could interview me, of course I said yes, and the rest is history.  Enjoy. (Source:

Flase Freedom & the Happy Slave.

I originally wrote this for a New Negro who came to me to express that he is free, that he loves American, and the absurdity of my efforts to educate Africans for the need for Revolutionary Pan-Africanism. This is my response to him (reworded to address “free” New Negros in general).: (Before you tell me that here are no more Slaves in the US you need to) read the Constitution of this nation you love so much There are millions of...

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