#GreenTeensChi 2017
#EcologicOutreach? #UrbanAg #Organic #BroDiallo✊ #KingDeeda? (at South Side, Chicago)
Day: March 22, 2017
If you talk about the White race being hyperaggressive do you acutally mean the Eurasian race in general since Whites evolved in western asia ? Also does this explain why western asians (arabs,persians,turks etc…) had Empires and tribal wars just as their european cousins ?
Yes, I mean White and off-White people; but those people from Western Europe seem to have a leg up on even their Asian cousins when it comes to Hyper-Aggression.But to be fair, there were White Tribes, Ethic Groups, and Nations that didn’t exit the same level Hyper-Aggression or Imperialism as there White Brothers and they got the same treatment as the rest of us; just look at the 800 year colonization of Ireland by the British; but those who...
Brother Diallo, after the events of the past few days, I think in the next 60 years America is going to look like some of the worst war torn places in the Middle East and Africa today. Do you agree or not? Police just used a bomb robot. How can black people prepare?
The biggest impending threat is Global Warming and Climate Instabity; which will lead to food shortages, further contamination of the air and water, and an exacerbation of all standing conflicts in this nation (Racial, Religions, Class, and Ethnic).When a nation experiences sever and ongoing disruptions the State can no longer sustain or controls its military and police forces, so you don’t really have to worry about organized and consistent...
Your point about the use of media cycles to cover up certain news stories like the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Hilary Clinton was poignant. Alton Sterling, a black man, was killed by the Baton Rouge police yesterday. Black people are killed in the U.S. everyday without much fanfare. The media coverage of Alton Sterling’s killing makes me wonder is the media attempting to bury the FBI’s decision to not prosecute Hilary’s criminal acts deeper in the news by covering this brother’s murder.
Damn, this shows how far behind in answering my blog questions I am. SMH.But yeah, there are ongoing atrocities commited aginst Africans everyday on US soil, but they only give national media attention to them when they are seeking to influence policy or distract from some other corruption.All corporate media is propaganda, all of it; it’s best to stick to vetted independedn sources of news…..like the #BroDialloShow. Sorry for the plug,...

Allies or Enemies: Blacks & America’s Immigrants
February 08, 2017 : Episode 56
Trump: Master of Fools, The Obama Symbol, Civil Wars & Revolution, Navigating the Bible Belt, DEvangelism & the GodDispel, People are Primates, Blame Trump or Obama.......