I read a lot of your post on living a healthy lifestyle through veganism. I have tried to live a healthy lifestyle, but I drink a lot. I think it’s addiction, but it’s so much more. Basically what is your analysis on drinking, drugs, and why people (especially black people) fall victim to addiction?

The world’s top researcher on addiction is Gabor Mate, he’s determined that addiction has less to do, if nothing to do with the drug or substance people are addicted to but social and internal issues that the addict has not acknowledged or resolved.  That’s why all people who use addictive substances do not become addicts.  I think Black addiction is a direct by-product of living under and trying to cope with Psychopathic White...

Lets say you make it big. You have your own program on cable television and is receiving massive support, and gaining popularity. Should we assume you’ve been compromised and no longer viable to the movement?

First of all (in my Kevin Hart voice); you don’t have to make assumptions when there is evidence available. It would be obvious if I sold-out, espcially in the context of the Bro. Diallo Show.I think it’s a good rule of thumb to hold all Blacks who have “made it” with a level of distrust and suspicion; but you can’t rest only on that.You should do with my show, in that scenario the exact same thing you should already be doing with...

why is haiti so poor?

Well, there’s a few reasons.  The main reason Haiti is poor because Haiti is the Capital of African Diasporic Struggle, and therefore will not be allowed to form a sovereign government, develop independently, or be revived as the symbol of Black World Resistance that it is.  Haiti shook the System of Global White Domination to its core and sparked a continent spanning Black resistance struggle that is still active today; albeit relatively...

We need a new conspiracy corner fam. You need to describe the Trump Hillary election and what the elites behind the scenes are planning with this shit.

The Elites are experiencing an internal class war and Heelary and Buba Trump are their clubs they are using to bash each other; all the rest of us are just collateral.  This is a simplified breakdown: the Old Money Billionaires are threatened by the New Money Billionaires because their technology threatens to render the Old Money strong holds of fossil fuel, manufacturing, and print/broadcast media obsolete.  There’s some shit I’m leaving...

What were some of the problems that blacks faced at the time of the great depression and how did it effect us in our struggle?

There was an old joke about how Black people didn’t know there was a Great Depression until they say Wall Street raining White men.  But there’s a more accurate saying from that era the goes; “when White people catch a cold Black people catch a pneumonia.” Tragically, both of those assessments have a ring of truth.  Black people in the years leading up to, and the decades following the Great Depression have endured GD levels of...

Is Black Lives Matter just another integrationist movement?

Yep. Integrationist & Reactionary.So far, but the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army grew out of Integrationist Movements like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; so there’s hope….maybe.Robert F. Williams, Kwame Ture, H. Rap Brown, Bobby Seal, and many other icons of the struggle got their start within Integrationist movements and went on to build Pan-African and...

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